Defamed’: NYC bakery responds to Whoopi Goldberg accusation



When is she moving out of America like she promised?

Whoopi tried to cancel this business but it backfired. Let’s all cancel whoopi and the witches of the β€œview”.


      • Love and unity? That baboon-faced Whoopi has done more damage to “love and unity” than most. Her racial rants against Trump supporters has gone beyond what some believe to be respectful behavior,making her a waste of flesh and blood!

      • What she said was a bold faced lie. It’s already been exposed and all she’s doing is playing the victim card again and stirring up more hate. She knows nothing about love and unity. Defamation is real and the only defense is the absolute truth. She defamed that business with total lies and they have every right to sue her for defamation and they would win. All she has to do is quit stirring the pot of hate and divisiveness. This is a classic example of what the left does.

  1. Why does anyone watch that fat bitch anyway? She spews hate, vitriol and invective. The bakery should sue her fat, ugly ass, or demand an apology.

  2. The only thing that the View is good for is spreading hate,racism and lies and division,everyone of those HAGS are absolutely disgusting human beings and the morons who support this pathetic excuse for a talk show are no better

  3. I remember when talk shows were genuinely funny, but them days is long gone. Today, they spew hatred, lies, vitriol and invective at one candidate. They burp that anyone who supports Trump is a fascist, a Nazi, and stupid. That isn’t funny at all.

  4. It’s time to cancel the show the view. It’s just toxic and down right racist and lies. How many times does whoopie have to get in trouble and gets away with it? The time has come to fire her. We are all sick and tired. Enough already.

  5. Goldberg is a narcissist slob. Your day is coming you arrogant bitch! How dare you trying to bad mouth a prestigious bakery who has been in business for many decades and had a legitimate reason for not being able to commit to YOUR damn order. I hope you get sued for slander!

  6. This poor woman must sue – Using one’s position on national TV to ruin a business is unacceptable – Sue ABC and Golgberg please!!!

  7. When Barbara Walters left the View the show went down the toilet. A group of disgruntled women spewing hatred & ABC supporting it. I hope Goldberg gets what she deserves in terms of slandering a beloved business.


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