Ex-CIA: BOOBY TRAPS set for Trump by Obama and Biden MUST be overcome!



Put Obama on trial for treason

Obama needs to go to jail .


  1. Obuthead is a disturbed, evil, American, traitor to our country. He needs to be arrested for splitting America in two, selling our country out, aiding the terrorists, spying on opposition, ruining reputations with lies, and propaganda, were coming for u traitor, time for u to leave, the country. u hate so bad, and made rich off the people. All hell is is opening up, for those who through GOD aside, like u.

  2. True, but Obummer will never be arrested or punished for anything. In addition, he may have been born in Kenya. If true, he should have been disqualified from running for president here.

    • Amerika has been evil and corrupt since the republic was destroyed in 1865. Can hardly find anyone honest anymore. GOD hates disobedience. Main reason we are going down. The chaos will be terrible. Many will die and go straight to hell

  3. Barry has been a victim since birth. His mom and both her parents are deep CIA operatives. Barry’s legal name change at age 11. All the lies he has lived with. The fact is he is gay and has a great voice. The CIA infiltrated the White House decades ago. The CIA stayed in the White House, and are still there. They hate Donald Trump. How many more assassinations are planned? I see one happening at the Inauguration. I think they’ll use armed drones, an attack by dozens, killing many. The Deep State can not afford to have Trump take office.

  4. Barry is a victim? Seems to me, he did very well. He had two terms as POTUS. I think he has 4 mansions. Whether or not he’s gay, I do not know. But I will say this, his bitch “wears the pants” in the family.

    • and Amerika is full of cowards that don’t know what the 2nd amendment is for. People in France put us to shame when they protest their gov’t. empty handed. Many around the world are throwing their corrupt gov’t.s out of office. WE don’t love our country or our kids that will be slaves, JUST LIKE WE ARE. pathetic

  5. Why is this acceptable behavior from has been terrible presidents? Where are the authorities? This is a matter of national security! And yet the corrupted alphabet soup agencies sit there with their heads in their rectums!

    • There is so much corruption in too many politicians that they could send each other to jail. Instead, most feast on our tax dollars and do anything to stay in power to get richer. Even the so-called Supreme is not without corruption. If President Trump had about 20 years in office, he might have enough time to straighten things out some. Thomas Jefferson, I believe it was shot a man on the White House Lawn for treason. We need strong measures like that to clean up politics in this Country. Destroying the corrupt media would also help.


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