Famous Actors TAKING DOWN Woke Hollywood Reporters



I don’t like people insisting on saying Samuel L Jackson, Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman are black actors. They’re actors and bloody good ones!

People who don’t read the news are un-informed , People who read the news are mis-informed – Denzel Washington – such an amazing quote. Morgan and Denzel are amazing human beings.


  1. To bad that the two biggest black politicians can take the directions that these folks have taken over the years. The country would be in a much better place without the HATE being professed by OBAMA and HARRIS are currently demonstrating.

    • bummer and his husband started this entire divide and gate in this ctry
      his husband said black girls rock, can u imagine if Melania said whit girls rock Where we are right now is because of these 2 , I cant say what i want f cken a oles

  2. Dopey ol’ Joe burped that he would be the great “uniter”. He would unite the country. Well, all he did was sow hatred and division.

  3. The liberal woke democrats have a problem with racism because that’s how they identify with people. Morgan Freeman said stop talking about racism, we are all people so give everyone the respect they deserve and stop with the race card! Obama’s presidency opened the doors to many of the issues that we had back in the 50’s and 60’s. Obama wanted to have separation with people so he introduced the black and white conflict stirring the pot. He had no reason to do this unless it took away the attention from him so he could do his corruption on our country. What a antiamerican act he was to do this to our great nation. Obama has had his two terms plus Biden’s one term and now he will step in for Harris who would only be president in name only. We can’t let this happen, our country needs to stop these corrupt politicians from destroying our nation.


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