Gang Robs Entire NYC Subway Train… Then Walks Free



the main problem is that people can’t defend themselves because they will go to jail for punching a “kid”

I’m willing to bet that if the guy who had been robbed on the train had defended himself or had a gun, he would have gone to jail.


  1. Cuckoo Kathy Hochul rode the subway with an entourage of armed NYS Police and photographers in tow. Then she declared the subway “safe”. Duh. That very same day, 2 people were killed on the subway. One was immolated by an illegal alien, another one was stabbed to death. Cuckoo Kathy will NEVER ride the subway alone, with no special protections. One more thing, it’s illegal for citizens to carry a gun on public transportation in NY State.

    • Please refrain from stating that we all voted for this, as there are many individuals, me included, who did not. she ended up getting elected under the corrupt Biden administration, and those who are afraid of losing their free benefits.

    • You get a Cigar .
      two weeks ago my sister from out of town asked me if I would go with her to five Guys in town to pick up dinner for the family , I say sure, we park on fourth ave at PPG Place, we place the order I tell her go wait in the car , I will wait for the order, so this one chick in a dark coat walks through the first door from the street, and it’s like a glass box , with two inner doors she pushes on both doors but does not enter, she is just standing there as I make my way out, as I’m approaching the door, I see this plump chick , with three dudes in two approaching as I make my way out, and the first chick goes back out side with the other four and start walking parrell with me and the plump chick and her gang try cutting me off and demanding that i turn our food over to them, I told her to get the fuck out of my face, your not getting shit, and I had to repeat myself a number of times as I approached the car they were in a half circle, I said I’m giving you ass holes one more chance to leave, and I had picked out dude number 2 to strike first, when the three dudes decided to split, then the plump chick left , and it was just the first chick, i got in the car and said to my sister let’s go.

  2. To the people of this country, if you want to die, just go to NYC! The thugs will accommodate you, because the rats in power don’t give two hoots!!! Also, in all blue states that have large cities, I would consider them death traps!

  3. Most of the cops and national guard I see are standing in groups chatting with each other. Can’t blame them if they make an arrest our idiot of a governor has told the democratic judges to let them go. She is the problem and now going after the mayor because he wants to help trump is insane and she should be jailed for harboring criminals

  4. Cuckoo Kathy barely won reelection. We almost had a Republican governor in this shithole state. We have to wait until 2026 for another try at booting cuckoo Kathy out. She’s highly unpopular. Her “approval” rating is in the toilet. Illegal aliens carry guns and knives, but cuckoo Kathy wants to disarm the citizens.

  5. The picture is NOT of a NYC Train. Besides, could a group pull off the logistics needed to rob an entire NYC subway train? (BTW, I’ve ridden NYC subway trains. NONE of them look like the car in the picture.)


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