Hey it looks like the godless useless TURDO of Canada is going to be “run out of town on a rail” what are the chances of the same happening to nuisance newsome?
Useless Newscum needs to be voted out. How stupid are Commiefornia voters? They have elected Newscum, Piglosi, Swalwell, Waters and Schiff. I’m sure there are more morons, that they voted into office. There must be something in the water in Commiefornia. Hopefully, RFK Jr. will look into that. People can’t be that dumb.
Newsome needs to go he is ruined California and made it a crime Haven and anybody who can’t see it is blind. Let him get robbed and held at gunpoint then maybe he’ll get the message of how poor a job that he is doing managing the state of California.
Governor Greaseball doing is shuck and jive as usual. To stop smash and grab institute a policy of shoot on sight.
Hey it looks like the godless useless TURDO of Canada is going to be “run out of town on a rail” what are the chances of the same happening to nuisance newsome?
Useless Newscum needs to be voted out. How stupid are Commiefornia voters? They have elected Newscum, Piglosi, Swalwell, Waters and Schiff. I’m sure there are more morons, that they voted into office. There must be something in the water in Commiefornia. Hopefully, RFK Jr. will look into that. People can’t be that dumb.
Newsome needs to go he is ruined California and made it a crime Haven and anybody who can’t see it is blind. Let him get robbed and held at gunpoint then maybe he’ll get the message of how poor a job that he is doing managing the state of California.