General Flynn EXPOSES The Dark TRUTH About What’s Happening In Appalachia: ‘THOUSANDS Are Dead…’



Stop this madness. Lets get 100 million votes for Trump.

I am so angry, sad, disgusted all at once with our current administration. Those people need help NOW.


  1. Oh yeah, thousands are dead. They’ll be finding bodies for months, maybe years. Meanwhile, dopey Joe is wasting billions of dollars on Ukraine and illegal freeloaders.

  2. No, money is wasted and paid to a person that should be publicly disgraced and put in Levenworth. He is lost to any military that values honesty. Flynn is a person who turned his back on thousands of military.
    I was an enlisted and then officer. He is now a Benedict Arnold.

    • Fake name and unbelievable partisan hatred. You probably are not and never have been in the US military. Forget Vietnam,not credible. Actually Benedict Arnold was a loyal and heroic soldier until he was punished and humiliated by Congress. At least get your historical parallels right.

      • I tell everyone I know, to NOT believe the yankee version of history. Amerika has been socialist, and LIED TO for at least 163 years. Lincoln was a total fraud of a man. Even Hitlery Rotten Clinton said in her second debate in 2016 “that she and Abraham Lincoln told one group of people one thing, told another group, something else.” they are both atheist, racist and mass murderers. change my mind, WITH FACTS that you can prove….

  3. Officer Howller

    What was your rank, be more direct on General Flynn back on military
    Rick. USMC Vietnam combat veteran

    As HE REALLY Sounds like One? Of the People and REBEL Soldiers That TRUMP really has Planned to use as HEโ€™s as His Personal Weapon IF AND Should He Lose This Election ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ as The PRESIDENTey of the People of America ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ and the World ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ

  5. Who in their right mind would support and vote for these despicable people who truly don’t care if you live or die. Should you be put in a position that you are in desperate need of help, these heartless, soulless demons won’t be coming to help you

    • but IF you use the 2nd amendment to protect yourself, family or property, YOU will be arrested by the Gestapo, because Merlin Garlic is the (dick)head of the Dept. of JUST US (communist)

  6. JAG, you never heard of General Flynn? Duh, are you living in a vacuum or on another planet? Your comments are so imbecilic, there’s no point in responding. As they say, you can’t cure stupid.

  7. Not another cent for Ukraine, Israel, Iran, Egypt or any other country until Americans and American damages are addressed. Congress and the White House/Executive Branch cannot spend money we don’t have, then expect Americans to pay taxes and pay for weather disasters that leave them with nothing. The geo-engineered destruction of N.C. to gain the mines will be entirely exposed and indictments for Treason and murder will be served. Count on it.

  8. The media and Congress share so much blame as well. Not holding this administration accountable and making sure the Nation is aware of what is happening. It should awake Americans but I question whether it is possible. The lack of awareness of what has happening not only with this disaster but Maui was quickly forgotten. Las Vegas as well. The border. There is something that has taken place in the ability of Americans in general to relate to events. Some I find are uncomfortable even when certain issues are brought up. Some do not care. Thank God there are still those that will respond.

  9. Harris always has her mouth wide open. Let’s toss a peanut into it. The 750 check is such an insult and she told the sufferers to go on line and get it. There is no electricity so no internet. I don’t know what the insults are about on General Flynn. He has been out of the lime light for quite some time. Hurricane Helene was orchestrated and weaponized to destroy the people of the Appalachia Mountains just to start mining the Lithium metals. I read that the people in charge in this area are turning away help for the people who live there. Why?

  10. What do you mean where is the military the MILITARY DID THIS DISASTER WITH WEAPONIZED WEATHER WARFARE WHO ELSE HAS THE ABILITY GO WATCH THE VIDEOS THAT SHOW NEX RAD RADAR STEER IT . HE IS LYING . Now hurricane MILTON WILL DEVASTATE FLA. WE KNOW WHO IS DOING THIS . so why is the military doing nothing ex military can do it regardless of fed gov. FEMA IS OUR ENEMY They dont want t6o save these people they want to drive them out and take the LITHIUM, QUARTZ AND GOLD

  11. When are they going to build back better? I sure haven’t seen it. Prices of things are three times higher. Illegals are coming in by the millions. Americans are suffering because of the sorry no good administration that is suppose to be helping America. We are so screwed if cackling Kamala gets in the president seat, There will be no hope left for any of us. God have mercy on America.


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