Hannity: Kamala Harris is ‘testing out’ a new word



May all your ambitions and aspirations holistically be imagined unburdened by what has been…

I went to get my medical for truck driving
Some guy from Yemen was getting his medical to drive semi truck who does not know ABC in
He was using google translate
Doctor and I were tripping out how he is going to read sign
That guy literally going to put all of us on risk Can you imagine your kids, wife or your loved ones with these people in 80 feet big truck that Don’t read signs on road
She said govt change the rules you don’t have to know or read English to get trucking license anymore
Vote trump


  1. Brain washed college student that can’t and won’ think fir himself. He was raised in a democratic family and his parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc always vote democrat. They dont care about the issues, just vote democrat. Democrats pay their bills, put them thru college and so on, all on tax payors. Go figure and it will never change.

  2. She learned a new word and now she has to use it in every sentence. Cackling Kammy burped that our immigration system is broken. I agree, but who broke it? The Biden/Harris regime broke it on their first day in office. Then they blame Trump. They undid all of Trump’s policies including “Wait in Mexico”, then they blame it on Trump.

  3. Any person who HIRES a person to drive and they can’t read or speak english should be surd for putting Americans in danger. AND Kamala should be sued every time ANY of these illegals hurt Americans. Not sue the government, SUE BIDEN AND HARRIS personally. They did this !!!!

  4. The main job of ANY government is to protect its borders and its people..these deep stink people like Obama and Biden and of course puppet number two… Comrade Harris need to brought up on charges of treason..maybe if we ever get a attorney general who actually does his Job..that will happen

  5. Mountain man, I agree. They need to be charged with treason and removed from office. Dopey Joe is guilty of several treasonous offenses. Nothing will happen to him, but they go after Trump instead. Duh.

    • when someone in gov’t. takes an oath, then cashes their paycheck without doing their job, THAT is called fraud. Fraud is not a crime in a socialist, evil empire. IT is a crime in a republic of We the People. Our republic was destroyed in 1865, by a lying, atheist, racist tyrant called Abraham Lincoln. Our 2nd tyrant was LBJ. WE are still paying for his stupid ideas and endless wars…. wise up sheeople


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