Harris COLLAPSES On National Television…AGAIN



Kamala can envision what will never work, unburdened by what has.

Has anyone noticed that every time she goes in an interview she mentions Trump more than her policy


  1. I’m all for a woman President. But can the first one please be exceptional? Not some weak, idiot who has done her best to destroy this country. Harris is a joke. I can’t think of a better example of someone who is clueless and lazy. Why don’t you elect someone who is exceptional, smart, intelligent and who actually understands a few things like Tulsi Gabbard ?I would vote for her !!!

  2. I agree with M 100%, Harris is a terrible VP & if I vote for a woman some day she will have to have some intelligence and will have to love America. Harris in my opinion is dishonest, hates America and is a big phony that pushes Communism.

  3. The Biden/Harris regime blames Trump for their own failed, brain-dead policies. The buck doesn’t stop with them. No sir. It’s always Trump’s fault. It’s always someone else’s fault, for example, the Republicans.

  4. All I want is someone in office we can count on, who knows what they are doing. Harris had said when I become president, I will fix the problems created.. Ummm, you have been part of this office for 4 years. You’re admitting failure already. This is all beginning to look like the movie, idiocracy…we need structure. Someone needs to get China and Russia to calm down, to settle the hate. I served in the Army and I love my country. But please, no Harris!!

  5. Tim, it certainly could have been her coke baggie. It was hushed up and we never heard anymore about it. She acts as if she’s either drunk or high on something.

  6. The people who here are not the brightest crayons in the Box. Have you listened to Trump lately. He can not complete a sentence let alone answer a question. Trump and Vance are so wrapped up in their untruths, that they do not know the truth any more.

    • Some people (you) are so hopeless it really doesn’t matter who wins. You’ll be a failure either way. On the other hand those of us who have achieved success want a President with a great business mind as opposed to a cackling idiot who is so incompetent she refuses to do unscripted interviews with hard questions because she knows she can’t answer them.

  7. UHHH . . . Harris for Kommandant – er, Presidante?!? No THANKS! We DON’T need 4 MORE years of this Chicken POOH. We need a PRESIDENT, not ANOTHER worthless “Pile”. POTUS Trump/VP Vance 2024.

  8. Looks like she is still wearing her radio transmitting earrings-she never leaves home without them. She is a poor excuse of a “leader.” She hasn’t done anything in almost 4 years people–think about it-why would she start doing anything now??!?

  9. Yep, I experienced “bidenomics” (which camel-uh thoroughly endorses) personally today. At a local, small-town grocery store, I ordered a sub sandwich at their deli counter. Four years ago this same, exact sub cost me $7. Today it was $13 (actually $12.99). Yessireebob, the ol’ camel-uh would NOT get my vote even if she paid for it. Her (and joe’s) extreme idiocy did that to my sandwich.


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