All the while the Democrats and Deep State was shipping immigrants into America, they were also shipping children and babies out to the tunnels anywhere inside of our world.
We’ll see. After the first 4 years Trump was in office, I am waiting to see if there is a chance of real change, real justice and the ridding of the junk and cleaning of the dirt. Theatrics is one thing. Results is another.
Most of these commie dumbocraps belong in jail, they are the enemy, and to stupid, to realize it. we need to get rid of all of them, for the safety of America. The party is dead, has destroyed itself, and we need to make sure it stays unelectable.
All the while the Democrats and Deep State was shipping immigrants into America, they were also shipping children and babies out to the tunnels anywhere inside of our world.
We’ll see. After the first 4 years Trump was in office, I am waiting to see if there is a chance of real change, real justice and the ridding of the junk and cleaning of the dirt. Theatrics is one thing. Results is another.
Get rid of all the Democratic voter supervisors
Unfortunately, the traitor won’t go to jail. Instead, they want to put Trump in jail. How well is that working out for them?
Most of these commie dumbocraps belong in jail, they are the enemy, and to stupid, to realize it. we need to get rid of all of them, for the safety of America. The party is dead, has destroyed itself, and we need to make sure it stays unelectable.