Hillary’s Revenge Tries to Stall America’s Once In a Lifetime Opportunity



Find a way to get Mitch out of the senate. He is a hindrance to this country’s progress towards a smaller government. Vote him out!

We’re going to need names, numbers and email addresses of any senator trying to block Trump’s picks.


  1. The heading was Hillary Clinton was going to do something….Unless I missed something, I didn’t hear her name once in this video. Don’t get me wrong, I agree with everything you said and I pray this unfolds as you say. The deep state is over and legacy media is done.

      • can someone get a pail of water to throw on Hitlery Rotten Clinton and nutty Nancy Piglousy? They will melt like the witch on the Wizard of OZ…. harm no one, no more

  2. If Hillary had a brain, she’d shut the eff up and disappear from public view. But she doesn’t and she won’t. She never accepted that fact that she lost the 2016 election.

  3. Mitch McConnell has said he is ready to retire at the end of this session of Congress. So I don’t know if this article is relevant anymore. Hillary is another item. 🤔😱

  4. Listen starting around 4:09. Russia, Russia, Russia. Hillary maneuvers (or actually the verb should be manures) a candidate’s standing with lies to push toxicity on her or her party’s competition. Everything she touches turns to sh** in some way. When this simple concept is applied it just creates a sideshow to the main event. This is happening over and over. Could be others carrying the torch. Eventually Hillary and those choosing that path might die from spontaneous human combustion.

  5. Charlie,

    I agree. This will go down in history as Trump and all who help him as SAVING AMERICAN! Anyone who works with him will be marked as Patriots. Anyone against him are traitors and neocons.


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