They’re holding their country’s flag up, but don’t want to go back?
I am Honduran-American but never understood the flying of foreign flags. I would never fly the honduras flag, ever. I served in the US Army for 24 years and pledged allegiance to only one country, the USA.
It should have been easy for ICE to arrest all of these criminals. Sort them out by their flags. A different plane for different flags. Funny, I don’t see any of these protests in eastern Tennessee. Then again, police enforce the laws here. If they ever block my car, I’m going to jail. People are not very smart to step in front of a vehicle. Get the hell out of our country.
Amen!!you have a problem with our country!get the F out!you and your stupid little Mexico flag waving demonstration only works in LA because it’s another of the pathetically run,incompetent,over her head examples of demonrats trying to do something far beyond their capacity!!In this case,a weak,spineless excuse for a mayor,, Bass,does nothing for the city’s citizens!,it’s pathetic!And personally,I’d like to hang a huge Mexican flag over the 405 and burn it!
BLM is a Domestic Terrorist POS
but WE are told, that Whitey is the problem? NO, not yet…. but IT is coming. stay OUT of the South. or be on good behavior when there
I will go where i want to go
it is more like Black Lives Murder
the last lady who commented should be aware , the children in cages started in 2013, when obama was president.
I just loved the comments from the black and Latino people who are in our country legally. THEY GET IT! And the commentator.
The people who support illegal immigration should invite these people into their homes. Why haven’t they? Just think of what wonderful house guests they would make.
Most of those brainless, Soros paid, “protestors” probably don’t even know which country’s flag they are waving.