I noticed something very odd about this Kamala Harris photo…



And those people in Maui will still vote blue. Pathetic

EVERYTHING about her is fake!


  1. Ok I am going to play devils advocate here, first i am in no way a Kamala supporter, I am trump 100% but who is to say she isn’t listening to something on her earbuds besides her phone

  2. Let’s see – gov fema, has been nonexistent, Red Cross is out to lunch, Trump gathered his buddies – Franklin Graham, Elon, etc – and are actually helping. Who do YOU want around in an emergency? Someone who is bff with Oprah, Meryl Streep, Chris Rock, Ben Stiller? I guess if you are voting on “JOY” you will go with the comedians
    rather than those that actually know how to get a job done.

    • Exactly. I would take it a step further and boycott ANY Kamala supporter. They don’t care about Americans why should we support their lifestyle?

  3. Kamala is a vote for Karl , Adolph , Mao , Fidel , and Hugo. Take your pick of poison.Of course there is old Hilary. Does anyone have the tally for her death list? How many jobs were killed by Bidennomics?

  4. Hey, anyone out there here that Myorkis also dropped the ball because he used disaster funds for illegals and now there is nothing for hurricane victims. I am 65 years old and was around during the Carter presidency. At least Jimmy Carter cared. Biden is ols and his mind is gone. But Harris is lazy, acts like she is drunk have the time and is as dumb as a box of rocks. Anyone who votes for her doesn’t love this country. She is the worst presidential candidate that I have seen in my life. Waltz would make a better President. He’s just as dumb and clueless about policy, but at least he seems to care. She is as cold and heartless as they come. How can you sleep at night knowing people you let into this country unvetted have killed children? Myorkis and Harris are traitors.

  5. I along with millions watched the Debate between Trump and Kamala. Her expression on her face was so smirking as if she already won the election. I understand Trump when he is being attacked, he fights back in the moment and that is what she constantly did – attack him and the many millions of Americans who support Trump. JD Vance got even in his debate with Walz. At least those two agreed and disagreed to each other respectfully.

  6. Greenbucket, I watched the debate and I became disgusted by cackling Kammy’s obnoxious attitude. No man would be allowed to get away with this. She must have practiced making those childish faces for hours in the bathroom mirror. I hope she loses in a landslide.

  7. So what’s new? BTW: I’ve also noticed that there’s been plenty of photo-shopping of her face lately. Ostensibly to make herself look younger… Or more attractive!

  8. Harris is just as much of a puppet to Obama as Biden was, so it will be continuing like the last 4 years only to do the job of completely destroying our beautiful country. A vote for Harris will be to vote for Obama and we definitely DON’T want this monkey in charge again!! I would like to see him behind bars.


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