JFK Declassified: The New Files Reveal the Truth of the Assassination | Full Special



If the American Government did not have anything to do with the Kennedy assignation, there wouldn’t be any reason to keep this classified.

History Channel is great at saying nothing whatsoever but making it seem like they are


  1. The Majestic 12 had Kennedy assassinated because he was going to spill the beans about UFOs and the technology they had from the crashes. The military, CIA and the deep state didn’t want the Russians or anyone else to have that information, so that why it was done.

  2. His own government killed him AND his brother and they tried it again, numerous times with DJT.. but they MISSED!!!!!!!!!! Be very, very careful DJT. They are still imbedded and have been for decades while we sheep just plod along , trusting one of the most criminal governments in the world. We are MOFO FOOLS.

  3. I believe the CIA had JFK rubbed out. This was a professional “hit job”. It wasn’t some loser (Oswald) with a clunky bolt action rifle. Oswald was rubbed out the very next day. Why? To prevent him from testifying. Jackie Kennedy said Oswald was a patsy. If you were going to shoot a moving target at a distance, you’d use a semi auto rifle, not a clunky bolt action. The motorcade came to a stop, just before JFK was shot. Why?

  4. The coup d grace shot to JFK’s head came from the front, not from behind. The exit would is always larger than the entry would. JFK’s brains were spattered on the car’s trunk lid. The rear of his head was blown off. That indicates the coup d grace shot came from the front.

  5. You got it! LBJ had everything to gain from JFK’s demise. Rumor has it that JFK was gonna dump LBJ in ’64 and choose someone else as his VP. JFK and Bobby had no use whatsoever for LBJ.

  6. The driver killed JFK
    everything else is a smoke screen
    JFK would not commit to Vietnam
    week after JFK’s death Johnson
    committed to Vietnam
    all because the Military industrial complex wanted war
    The was the CIA


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