Naturally this idiot would favor sending rioters (he of course will be safely hidden behind a steel fence) to keep potential Democrat voters in the country. Anyone who participates in such a protest, especially if it becomes violent, should be held without bail for about four years…..sound familiar?
The American poneeds tosee just how corrupt and threatening they are when they don’t get their way. The individuals who voted for him should take a close look at what the Democrats stand for. It sure isn’t the American people!!!!
Maybe Jeffries should be censored in the House for his comment.
Jeffries is no better than a stinky piece of trash. We should deport him.
Naturally this idiot would favor sending rioters (he of course will be safely hidden behind a steel fence) to keep potential Democrat voters in the country. Anyone who participates in such a protest, especially if it becomes violent, should be held without bail for about four years…..sound familiar?
Sounds like that scumbag (Jeffries) is inciting violence.
The American poneeds tosee just how corrupt and threatening they are when they don’t get their way. The individuals who voted for him should take a close look at what the Democrats stand for. It sure isn’t the American people!!!!
If just one idiot causes any damage, Jeffries should find his stupid butt behind bars. It’s time to hold these demoncrat politicians accountable.