Naturally this idiot would favor sending rioters (he of course will be safely hidden behind a steel fence) to keep potential Democrat voters in the country. Anyone who participates in such a protest, especially if it becomes violent, should be held without bail for about four years…..sound familiar?
The American poneeds tosee just how corrupt and threatening they are when they don’t get their way. The individuals who voted for him should take a close look at what the Democrats stand for. It sure isn’t the American people!!!!
Corruption and Lies and Hateful Violence is a way of life for Democrats the American people know this that’s why the Democrats will never be trusted again.
PRIORITIES right how the priorities is to close the borders and remove the worst of the criminal, illegal invaders. This will take some time, hell it’s only been 3 weeks! When this initial roundup winds down, then they will start arresting or charging the politicians who violate federal laws by aiding and protecting these invaders, people like that idiot mayor in Chicago or the “Buck-Tooth Moron” governor of NJ. Jeffries is a like a pimple on Obama’s ass, just another worthless piece of shit. What kind of fool would follow that buffoon?
Maybe Jeffries should be censored in the House for his comment.
Jeffries is no better than a stinky piece of trash. We should deport him.
Naturally this idiot would favor sending rioters (he of course will be safely hidden behind a steel fence) to keep potential Democrat voters in the country. Anyone who participates in such a protest, especially if it becomes violent, should be held without bail for about four years…..sound familiar?
Sounds like that scumbag (Jeffries) is inciting violence.
The American poneeds tosee just how corrupt and threatening they are when they don’t get their way. The individuals who voted for him should take a close look at what the Democrats stand for. It sure isn’t the American people!!!!
If just one idiot causes any damage, Jeffries should find his stupid butt behind bars. It’s time to hold these demoncrat politicians accountable.
Corruption and Lies and Hateful Violence is a way of life for Democrats the American people know this that’s why the Democrats will never be trusted again.
IT didn’t take me 61 years to not trust a demon-rat. My mom didn’t want me to be stupid, or bring dis-honor to the family name….
I will limit the target to 100, maybe 70 yards…. no less. no quarter
Fed up American, you are correct. It’s time for armed citizens to regain control.
PRIORITIES right how the priorities is to close the borders and remove the worst of the criminal, illegal invaders. This will take some time, hell it’s only been 3 weeks! When this initial roundup winds down, then they will start arresting or charging the politicians who violate federal laws by aiding and protecting these invaders, people like that idiot mayor in Chicago or the “Buck-Tooth Moron” governor of NJ. Jeffries is a like a pimple on Obama’s ass, just another worthless piece of shit. What kind of fool would follow that buffoon?
Don’t let him get away with it! Its inciteful, “taking to the streets”, is he part of the Obama’s, Biden’s Deep State?
how do YOU tell the difference? IF they bleed red, they are deep state. Don’t take any chances, the rules have changed. Trust no one.
I doubt if he could get anyone to riot. Did he not realize that Trump had his largest margins of Black voters ever? Keep wearing those blinders!
I wish he bes gettin da boyz tu com donn Sout en star trubble. bring it