John McCain’s Idiot Son Humiliated After Attacking Trump in Arlington



Registering as a Democrat is the same as registering as a sex offender.

Another elite family member who is disconnected from reality…


  1. I have a message for John McCain; I’m not proud of our government. And it’s all because of the Democraps that your idiot son endorsed. While I’m on the subject, John McCain, you are an idiot too.

    • Dear John you are a Stain on America especially to us Vietnam Combat Veterans! You Treasonous SOB, if you didn’t have killed 2 Hanoi Hiltons Veteran POW’s who were going to expose you as the Hilton Mockingbird! You and the rest of the democrap partyy, RINO’s, Invading illegal alien soldiers from around the world are all set to cause a new CIVIL WAR on your behalf! All of you commie, treasonous asshats need to ES&D!

  2. THE EVIL MCCAINS GOD OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST will judge these monsters into eternal Hellfire with satan and his evil minions, for their sins and crimes against humanity and lying. As Christians we cannot take vengeances or revenge. According to the Word of GOD old and New TESTAMENT.

  3. April, you are correct. Another idiot McCain spewing his venom like an angry rattlesnake, while having no idea what the hell he’s talking about.

  4. Who gives a rats butt what this moron thinks? Doesn’t he realize that Trump was INVITED to lay the wreath and honor our heroes who were murdered by the current administration? What a jackass. Where was Obiden and Kacklea? So, he’s going to vote for the communists. Great job, libturd.

  5. RightwingCooke, I agree. Dopey Joe Biden and “Dr” Anthony Fraudci need to pay for their sins. Dr Fraudci tortured beagle puppies and other animals offshore, where there are no controls at all. He’s a vicious little wimp of a man. He tortured animals to death, then he disposed of their bodies. May he feel the pain of every animal he tortured and approved of torture. If I could, I would take him down myself.

  6. JJ Hibs; Dopey Joe, Obummer, and cackling Kammy didn’t show because they are responsible for our soldier’s deaths. They were unwelcome at the wreath laying. Then they whine because Donald Trump was invited and he came to pay his respects to our fallen heroes.

  7. Registering as a Democrat is the same as registering as a sex offender.

    WOW ONLY TRUMPSTY Could really believe that !!
    As HE is ONLY waiting for for HIS SEX CONVICTION and GUILTY verdict !! to be UPHELD so that he Can be sent TO Prison WHERE HE BELONGS.

    • JAG the moron, flapping his fat gums as usual! President Trump will NOT be going to jail as you hope! The corrupt Judge is being investigated, so he might well be the one going to jail, where he rightly belongs!
      Learn to write in coherent sentences and stop using CAPITAL LETTERS where they’re not required, moron!

      By the way, regarding the McPains, like father, like son!

  8. John McCain, Sr. couldn’t make it in his father-in-laws business empire so his father-in-law bankrolled his political career. RESULT: the Republicans got a sour apple and EVIL RINO and you know it only takes one bad apple to rotten the whole basket….the McCain family!!!!!!

  9. Hey Jag, dopey Joe showered with his own daughter. Is that normal? He hits on every young woman within striking distance. In New York State, Andy Cuomo even hit on female police officers. Then he was forced to resign as governor. Why aren’t dopey Joe and Andy Cuomo in prison? I guess it’s because they’re wealthy, powerful Democraps. Oh, I have one more thing to tell you; f**k off, asshole.

  10. you guys are the dumbest most vicious right wingnuts yet……. but you have the right to express, but John McCain is 100 times the man any of you are….and I voted against him…..he actually refused early release from the Hanoi Hilton p.o.w. camp because he did not want special treatment because his father was an admiral. Lets put it this way ..McCain was a great man and Trump is a great piece of shit.

  11. McCain may have been a POW but before that he had been a liability to to the Navy and after getting in politics he was a liability for the country. He failed to work for the good of the country often working for the good of the Democrat Party. He was definitely a RINO. His son has no claim to fame except for his RINO Daddy. Son like father support the destruction of America by Democrats.


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