Joy Reid To Be FIRED? MSNBC Host May Have Finally Crossed the Line, Even for Them



She thinks she speaks for ALL black women….what arrogance.

Another black woman worth $4 million telling us how oppressed she is.


    • All mouth and no action. That entire organization ?) needs to be shut down. They aren’t a news source, they are a highly paid hate instigator network. Aren’t there rules against such actions according to federal laws ? Just asking.

    • Iam so sorry to tell you that if you know about history we were here before you and all your kind . Olmec statue . The mounds through out all the so called USA . My people were traveling the world while you and your kind were still in caves . That bs history that has been taught is full of lies . Your his-story not mine . The cradle of civilization started in Kemet aka Africa White Jesus lie Chrisopher Columbus lie and so many more the whole Bible is about my people . you have no clue about what is coming . Putin has given you a glimpse

    • What are you stupid you killed 200 hundred million natives stole this country and you are still killing you are the beast . You lazy prick went to Africa aka Kemet and stole Hebrews and brought them here for free labor fed their babies to alligators for bait ,hug black men for looking at you in the eye s , you have killed and raped are women with your bastard children . Every white so called mutation of us civilization you did not know how to wipe your ass till we taught you . You created small pox unclean pricks

  1. First none of them can tell the truth and second, it is black? With blond hair? Rally respects he race don’t she? I know many black women and men and none of them have blond hair.

      • You came from us how could we be jealous of you. Have we stolen from you as you have . We are not getting lip augmentation butt surgery, suntanned. Dread locks are culture is all over the world . Your ideal mate is tall dark and handsome What the F think again snow is white are you the color of snow. Please be sure you have thought about what is true or just bs .

  2. Not all black people have the arrogance and extreme hatred as Joy Reid, Al Sharpton, Whoopie Goldberg, some governors, mayors (you all know who you are) and there are many Hollywood actors who think they are of the most importance. Most people don’t care what color skin we have, they see beyond that which is what we all are is HUMAN. Joy Reid is a disgusting disgrace of a human being always pulling out the race card to make a point about her shitful actions. She should be thrown off the air for inciting violence too.

  3. Fire this lying, bat-shit crazy lady. She is a pathetic, sick, demented, ignorant, arrogant, narcistic, evil. pos reporter. She needs to be kicked to the curb, she gutter trash, the way she talks about people.

    • I wonder if really you think we are not privy to your wanting her to loose her job for saying what most of us want to say to you and your kind of hatred of us. We didn’t hang your people from trees, burned you so the whole town could come and have a picnic . Burn down whole towns out jealousy . Shoot and kill us for walking on the same side of street . Rape are women feed are children to alligators for bait . Have laws to continue slavery with prison system.

      • You do realize that it was a Republican president who freed the slaves, right? You do know that Devilcrats tried to repeal the 13th Amendment? I hope you know that devilcrats founded the KKK. Jim Crow laws were not made by Republicans. Joy Reid is the poster child of racism. Everything out of her mouth is race baiting. She doesn’t deserve a platform to spread her hate. Actually, she should be prosecuted for her hate speech.

    • We don’t hate we are just tired of you killing us . And saying that some of us are happy with the crumbs that fall from your table . We will never be you and we are a people that have been here long before you. The his-tory is a lie Colonization is over, the world is looking , and trump is ignorant, he dead set on ruining everyone life except his own . You have stolen from everywhere gone raped and robbed put in dictators to do your bidding. Given even your dogs better treatment than us . Yes we don’t like donald trump we have known him all our lives

  4. They just have to keep crap going, they are not happy, they lost get over it and stop running your mouth trying to keep things stirred up. Demos and Libs are always starting trouble just shut your damn mouth and deal for 4 years like we had to, except you will get it better than we did

  5. If Joy(less) didn’t have URINE colored hair , she would not be as irrelevant as Michaela Jackson. Both should reside in the same basement at some prison. Both are indeed the quintessential hate mongers. Such irrelevant nonsense spewing from their collective anal sphincter


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