I notice Kammy isn’t cackling, nor does she have her mouth wide open, showing all her teeth like she’d do for the dentist. It’s all gone, like a delated balloon.
Who gave this AOC (dummy ) any sort credibility The media has taken an idiot and have tried to make her relevant . This is how bad politics is That is why the swamp needs to be drained including media !!!!!
It’s nice to turn the news on and not hear ” I was brought up in the middle class”
Her full teeth cackle reminds me of a jack asscackle. Loops did I disrespect the Dems Donkey.
AOC burping about “fake politicians” is like the pot calling the kettle black. Cackling Kammy has no one to blame but herself for her loss.
They ALL come from the SAME CESSPOOL . . .
I notice Kammy isn’t cackling, nor does she have her mouth wide open, showing all her teeth like she’d do for the dentist. It’s all gone, like a delated balloon.
Who gave this AOC (dummy ) any sort credibility The media has taken an idiot and have tried to make her relevant . This is how bad politics is That is why the swamp needs to be drained including media !!!!!
It’s nice to turn the news on and not hear ” I was brought up in the middle class”
Her full teeth cackle reminds me of a jack asscackle. Loops did I disrespect the Dems Donkey.
They are all dumber than a Jell-O skate blade!