KAMALA BOMBSHELL?! | Kellyanne Conway: Wait until America learns this about Kamala Harris [REACTION



She is not black guys! Let not be fooled

Why can’t ANY democrat answer a straight forward question without going onto a whole other topic


  1. What does “She’s not Black” mean, and how does Kellyanne Conway have the right to decide who’s Black? Harris’ father is a Black man from Jamaica. Her mother was from India. You are now going to accept her as a white woman, not subject to racism? Or are you just mad because sometimes people of color can make the “American Dream” work too?

    • If you knew the truth, you wouldn’t accept it. She is not black by the standard of African heritage. Her family enslaved people, which should tell you something about the family. Besides all that, the woman is not presidential material. She is a Cackle de Cack and good at it, along with a few other nefarious actions. Willie Brown comes to mind for me, but that’s OK; we all have needs.

    • Do you honestly think Kamala can make America great? Tell me, exactly what has she done as VP? ZIP, NIL, NADA. She wants to increase taxes by a lot, take away our freedoms. Ask her any question about the state of America and she resorts to her word salad that is nonsensical. She is one of the most radical left politicians that it puts Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and the Squad to shame. She will be responsible for the final destruction of America as we know it. I don’t give a sh*t about her color – she could be black, white, pink, purple or polka-dotted, she is dangerous will still be responsible for America’s well-being or destruction. She’s not up to the job. BTW, her father, Donald Harris was a Marxist economist of Irish decent and his ancestors settled in Jamaica from Ireland because slavery was abolished in Great Britain. Her grandfather (or great-grandfather) was a slave owner in Jamaica. Yes, her mother was from India and was a cancer researcher. She was raised with a silver spoon with Marxism values. She is one of the elites. The Dems are the racists. If you don’t agree with their ideology, you’re a racist according to them. This race card is getting old. Merit is the only way to achieve great things, not the color of your skin or your gender. Kamala is a DEI hire by Biden – it’s in writing by Biden. Slowly, very slowly, people are waking up to the real left and have stopped drinking the Kool-Aid. Time to wake up or your “American Dream” is history.

  2. What is the big surprise? Did Kelly Anne do a DNA test? Just because she doesn’t have African features and her skin is lighter shade. Maybe
    her father was of mixed race or he
    Was not her real father. Who cares?
    If she was born in the USA she can
    run for President.

  3. Harris is the most unqualified VP we ever had in office and in no way should be president of our country,she’s a cackling idiot,stop voting blue or kiss the country goodbye

  4. Doesnt matter about Kackling Kamala’s race or background, she can run, but truthfully, she is not even close to having the ability, brains, the expertise, or capacity to handle all the functions of the job. Our citizens cant put up with another four years of a human vegetable in charge.

    • Can one imagine KH in a summit meeting with Putin? By the time
      the meeting ends, she would have returned Alaska to Russia.

  5. Kamala Harris will always be considered as Willie Brown’s ORAL WHORE !
    She is not now and will never be presidential material !

  6. We have compromised enough with Biden and company…..doing the
    same for Harris would be a disaster beyond comprehension……better
    wake up America…..and soon!!! Regrets, we will have many if she
    gets the keys to the Oval Office……DO NOT BE FOOLED OR TRICKED

  7. Perhaps what you have claimed is based on true, real facts and you can prove every accusation??? No one can be as bad a president for the USA as ChumpTrump. He already has plans to give Putin Ukraine and any other NATO countries he wants. And it would be of very great interest to know what ChumpTrump and his also guilty cohort from Israel discussed … other than their mutual legal problems of course. And if you and others who listen to CT and love him so much and think he’s so great, why, in this world of his words televised by all TV stations and printed in the social media, y’all don’t HEAR what he says and realize he’s not just trying to entertain everyone. You will be hearing the real DJChumpTrump. I am beginning to believe that God sent him as a warning to the USA of how much harm and destruction a devil pretending to be a man can do in his lifetime. And I don’t believe he “took a bullet” for anyone or for any reason; he may have received a scratch but I bet he didn’t even need that big bandage. And I believe his “fisted fight” when he stood up was meant for his followers and ‘soldiers’ to start then and there. He wants war one way or another because he believes he then can take over the USA and control it. And he doesn’t have to have “gas” to hurt and destroy people and families … he’ll do that thru his lack of respect of people, especially people of color, and ignorance of the USA Constitution and its governing laws. But I pray, and believe, that God has a big surprise waiting for him … and he will be humbled for the first time in his life. And, if you MAGA and Christians will think clearly for yourselves and read God’s instructions and plans for His people and read Jesus’ teachings to His disciples and the people yourselves instead of only letting someone else interpret and indoctrinate you, you may learn the truth about God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit.


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