Kamala STUNNED into SILENCE after new policy BACKFIRES!!



We do not want Kamala TRUMP 2024

Vote RED America to save America!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


  1. The Democrats understand very well the only way they have a chance of getting Kamaa elected is to keep her as a blank slate.

  2. I can’t believe the idiots in Pennsylvania, voted for Obiden in 2020. He told them that he was going to fossil fuels out of business. Wake the heck up. Your jobs will be gone, if you vote blue. Illegals will buy your foreclosed homes. Inflation will continue to rise, unchecked. You will be taxed into bankruptcy. If you don’t care about the way of life you are used to, keep voting for demoncrats.
    Kacklea learned plagiarism from her boss. Kacklea and her white (obviously racist) husband, send their flunky to the store. That’s why they were lost trying to find Doritos. The reason they white washed the evidence, is because they were involved. Stevie Wonder could see that. Raskin should be hung for his treasonous acts.

    • Rat-Skin need’s to be interviewed by Mossad. He said “if Trump win’s” he will make sure he doesn’t get in office. He lied the last time he put the impeachment papers in on the President. He need’s to be recalled and replaced by Maryland.

  3. JJ, you are correct. Dementia Joe said he would end fossil fuels, yet the idiot voters elected him anyway. WTF? If cackling Kammy gets elected, America will not survive. Our fossil fuels will be gone and our automobile industry will be gone too. Cackling Kammy has no intention of closing our border. Migrant squatters will occupy our abandoned homes.

  4. What else to you people want to know about the Harris virus that is trying take over our country???? Get a grip….she doesn’t have one!!!
    Except……… Kakadodle Do to you….. its all about ME, NOT YOU!!!!

    • jay, the presidency for tRump is just all about tRump and what he wants – he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about you or me. If he doesn’t get the job – he is cooked in the courts – that is why he is trying so hard to win – well, in his mind anyway. His handlers are trying to get him to stay on topic – but he just can’t. Veering off into these rants is losing him votes and he doesn’t seem to know it.

      • Lynette,
        Wake-up and smell the coffee. Had President Trump not loved this country, he wouldn’t have worked for free the last time. I want him to take his pay this time. Bribem has committed treason “selling favors to our enemies” for 50 years. In the last 3-1/2 years, he’s been off an entire year on weekends and scam vacations. He even gave confidential documents to a “ghost writer” doing a book on him. He got an $8 Million buck advance. This person had no clearance! And Hur saw no reason to bring Bribem up on charges as he’s just a bit old and dumb. Hunter and hookers all over that house, no security! If you want communism, higher prices. Vote for this dizzy idiot that has no clue, but to be like Bribem and sign, approve whatever Obama hand’s her. If you want law and order back, America back in the green, gas back at $157 a gallon and 93% ground beef back at $2.00 a pound, vote for President Trump.

        • TroopAbn said, “Had President Trump not loved this country, he wouldn’t have worked for free the last time.” Gee, IDK, tRump really, really likes the spotlight and took a shit wage for the Apprentice! He put up with that didn’t he? There are other motives for doing things other than money, although with tRump, they are probably secondary. He was in the spotlight as president for four years, and that really is a better personal promotion than a TV show on once a week.

          You make a lot of statements. How about just one source for the statement, “Bribem has committed treason ‘selling favors to our enemies’ for 50 years.” Where did you get that?

          What house was Hunter in with the hookers?

          • You LOVE proving just how dang ignorant your lib cult members are ,!!. You believe any and all bullshit fed you by your communist to masters AND when presented with TRUTH you deny it and refuse to face what has been reported in REAL NEWS Stations!! ( CNN, PMSNBC, ABC ,
            NBC !! these are propaganda arm of the satanic democrat party )

      • You spelled Kamala wrong through out your entire post !!
        You are what your communist masters call a ” useful idiot” .
        The ignorance of the democrat cult of astounding !!

      • Typical ignorant lib ! Kamala got to be where she is by giving oral to Willie Brown and any other guy that would promote her !!
        Kamala is a PROSTITUTE !!
        FACE FACTS !!

        • Lawrence: Posts shared on Facebook show Democratic vice-presidential nominee Kamala Harris with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, describing the image as “married 60 year old (sic) Willie Brown” and “his 29 year old mistress, Kamala.” Although the photo appears to be authentic, he was separated from his wife for more than a decade when he and Harris dated in the mid-1990s. Their relationship, which ended in 1995, was not a secret.

          The image of Harris and Brown shared in the posts appeared in a 2019 article in the Washington Examiner ( here;). The original photo, for which the Washington Examiner does not provide a source, date, or location, features two other people on the left side of the frame.

          The claim Harris “had an affair with a married man” is technically true. But given Brown had been separated from his wife for more than a decade, the claim is misleading. Haris and Brown’s relationship was not secret and they made public appearances as a couple ( here;

          Source: Reuters Fact Check team (the links won’t work here, but you can easily find the original article.

          You were not in the bedroom with Brown and Harris were you? How do you know what they did? I mean if you were there – please let us know!

          Who are the “…any other guy…?”

          If your source was Roseanne Barr – you might want to recheck your assertions with a credible source.

          So Lawrence – will you please provide your sources?

          • Facebook ?? Really ??
            I am NOT as STUPID as you that I believe Facebook !!
            Willie Brown admitted several times he was still married while having Kamala give him oral sex ,etc !! It has also been reported in several publication!
            Do your own damn research !! I don’t baby STUPID LIBS that have intelligence lower than their shoe size!!
            Everything I posted is documented FACT whether you like it or not !!
            Kamala is a KNOW PROSTITUTE!!

  5. She does not have any policy other than Evil and Communism EXTREME LEFTIST LIBERAL, during her whole public tenor and changing her tune will not be bought by the American citizens. She against fracking, against gun ownership, and hopes to sterilize as many Americans as possible. She is taking the citizens’ rights away on everything: ownership of property with excessive taxation: unrealized earnings of stock, 401K or gains on house property. She offers no border control so there is no safety with illegals that are criminal pouring in with no resolve, inflation sores and we are moving toward Depression. She pushes for DEI and abolishes meritocracy. She pushes for LBTG doctrine in schools at Kindergarten, and twerking of Drag Queens in Pre-school story time; pushes porn on children in schools and libraries, pushes for courses on how to hate he USA and white people. She will force slave reparations to be paid by taxpayer, student loans to be paid by taxpayers. Abortion after the child is born will be legalized by her, transing children at any age and taking them away from parents who refuse that their child is transing, men in women’s bathrooms, lockers, sports and insane bills by Tampon Tim where the law imposed is tampons/sanitary pads in men’s public restrooms – waste of time, money and resources, support in trillions of foreign proxy wars Ukraine, and finally she will with DEMONS support Hamas and kick Israel to the curb, price controls will put us on bread lines – it never worked in any country. The illegals are getting free cars, cell phones, debit card for food, clothes, free healthcare and free education on taxpayers’ sweat and then they take the jobs and resources of the American citizens. She had 3.5 years to do something to improve the USA and she did NOTHING – ZERO to her credit. She has no morals – she got her job on her knees from Mayor Willie. She is a hypocrite to tax the rich when she is elite, rich herself – she is fake. Her father on all birth certificate forms is stating he is white as his father was Irish and his mother was Eastern Indian. Her mother was born in India and she lists herself on birth certificate as White which is what Eastern Indians are CAUCASIAN WHITE. SHE IS AN ARROGANT FRAUD AND WILL DO ANYTHING TO PANDER FOR POWER. She was so unfair as DA, keeping African Americans imprisoned past their sentence for free labor. She refused to release an innocent man even when given the evidence until a law suit was filed against her. She failed her Bar Exam the first time and had someone take the next bar exam for her – she is a cheater. She is also born hermaphrodite and had surgery to create her as a woman. SHE IS HEART-LESS, EVIL, AND A LIAR. THE FATHER OF ALL LIES IS SATAN THE DEVIL WHO WILL BURN IN HELL ETERNALLY AS WELL AS THOSE WHO DO HIS BIDDING IN LYING ETC., UNLESS THE PEOPLE REPENT. THE DOWNFALL OF LUCIFER SATAN WAS HIS PRIDE AND ARROGANCE AND HARRIS’ WORSE SIN IS HER PRIDE AND ARROGANCE AND HYPOCRISY AS THE PHARISEES WHO FALSELY CONDEMNED OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST ABOUT 2,000 YEARS AGO. Citizens are done with D.E.I. Unless they are so illiterate or stupid, and then they can cackle with her as they are getting their happiness destroyed while she counts her spoils and has her joy. IF SHE WINS, IT WILL BE RIGGED. IF SHE WINS, USA will TURN COMMUNIST AND SHE WITH THE DEEP STATE WILL BE THE BIRTH PANGS OF THE ANTI-CHRIST OWN WORLD GOVERNMENT WHICH IS HEADED BY SATAN and FORETOLD IN THE OLD & NEW TESTAMENT of THE BIBLE, THE WORD OF GOD, REVELATION (the last book), THESSALONIANS, DANIEL. GOD INTERVENED TO SAVE PRESIDEN TRUMP during the assassination attempt. THE WORD OF GOD STATES, ALL THAT IS HIDDEN BY THE EVIL PEOPLE will be EXPOSED. SHE MOCKS GOD BUT GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED AND GOD WILL JUDGE HER AND ASSIGN HER THE JUDGMENT AND JUSTICE FOR HER ABHORRENT SINS AGAINST GOD’S CHRISTIAN PEOPLE, FOR HER SHELFISHNESS – AND FOR HER, WITH HER ILK, TURNING THE USA INTO BABYLON AND SODOM AND GOMORRAH AND ROBBING AMERICAN CITIZENS OF ALL OUR RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS. There are million of reasons not to vote for her – no justification whatsoever to vote for her as she is TOTALLY UNQUALIFIED with nothing redeeming about her. SHE IS PROUD TO BE A LEFTIST. THE BOOK OF REVELATION THE GOATS GO TO THE LEFT SIDE OF THE ROW TO BE BURNED ETERNALLY INTO HELL FOR THEIR EVIL DEED. THE SHEEP GO TO THE RIGHT OF THE ROW TO BE REWARDED FOR THEIR LOVE OF LORD JESUS CHRIST AS SAVIOR AND FOLLOWING GOD’S COMMANDMENTS TO ENTER ETERNAL LIFE OF HEAVEN WHERE THEIR TEARS FROM THE OPPRESSORS ON THIS EARTH THAT BROUGHT THEIR TORTURE AND MURDER WILL BE AVENGED AND THEIR TEARS WILL BE WIPED AWAY AND THEY WILL NOT LONGER HAVE PAIN AND SUFFERING. LORD JESUS CHRIST OUR GOD ONLY YOU CAN HELP PRESIDENT TRUMP TO WIN TO HELP HEAL OUR NATION. PLEASE PROTECT PRESIDENT TRUMP AND ALL TRUE CHRISTIAN LEADERS AND TRUE REPUBLICANS. AMEN. AND THWART ALL DEMONS AND BLASHPHEMERS, WHO TRY TO SUPPRESS YOUR WORD AND HURT IN VARIOUS WAYS YOUR CHRISTIAN CHILDREN, FROM LEADERSHIP ROLES IN YOUR INFINITE METHODS AND MERCIES. AMEN.

    • ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!”. Hillary
      ” Can’t fix STUPID unless STUPID wants to be fixed!!
      Congrats to poster child Lynette Mt!!

      • You are entitled to your opinion Lawrence. However, your swallowing and repeating of quotes with no fact checking is not helping your critical thinking process.

        From AP
        Claim: Hillary Clinton said “the average Democrat voter is just plain stupid.”

        AP ASSESSMENT: False. Hillary Clinton did not say, “Look, the average Democrat voter is just plain stupid. They’re easy to manipulate. That’s the easy part.” The quote is said to be from the book “Rewriting History” by Dick Morris, which was published in May 2004. Morris, a former adviser to President Bill Clinton, confirmed in an email to The Associated Press that the quote attributed to Hillary Clinton is “not true.” Eileen McGann, Morris’ wife and co-author, expanded on his comment saying, “Dick has categorically denied that the quote was in the book.”

        • Facts are foreign to s lib !! You have proven that !!
          There is ACTUAL footage of Hillary saying ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!”
          AP has been caught in so many lies only uneducated ignorant democrat cult members believe their bullshit !!
          A guy that wrote a book about Clinton would deny she said that !! He wouldn’t write a book for Clinton and put a negative statement on it !!

          I fact check everything I say !!
          YOU DON’T !! YOU just believe any and all bullshit fed you !!
          You are what your satanic communist democrat party leaders call a ” useful idiot”

          What has Kamala done for Americans in last 3 years ?. I want facts not your lib bullshit !!

        • Several people have seen video where Hillary said this and that line has been out in public for years !! And YOU are only one to dispute it after all this time ?? Where were you in 2016 when that line was made famous when Hitler was running against Trump?? You or any of your cult disputed it then !! So get lost with your lib lies !!
          Video PROVES you wrong !!

          Enough said !! I was taught never to argue with a stupid person! They will eventually drag you down their level of stupidity and beat you with experience!!

          • Lawrence – you complain about my sources – so what then are your sources? I couldn’t find any here. How are you supporting what you say?

  6. WOW- Thank you and i agree with everything you have said. Revelations tells us what the end times will be like. I believe too we are there now. It is time for us to put God first in this country. Sin in our government has exploded over the past several years. We can believe nothing at all the left tells us. To them it is all about keeping power. I truly believe God turned Donald Trump’s head just the right way at the right time to save his life. And with all the other election interference the left has put on him we have to wonder who really planned the assignation on his life. Would the left actually go that far? Who knows? I believe this election is the last election we have to save America. If the democrats win (and they will cheat to win) It’s over for America If you love your Country at all– For the love of God vote for the only person that can bring it back once and for all. Donald J. Trump

  7. Lawrence, there was no “Reply” under some of your posts, so I will post here.

    You sais, “Willie Brown admitted several times he was still married while having Kamala give him oral sex ,etc !! It has also been reported in several publication!”

    Okay – what are they?


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