Kayleigh McEnany: This alone should disqualify Kamala!



It is not a boarder crisis; it is national security issue.

That is Not True No Matter How Many Times She is Allowed to Say it .. Border is Wide Open.


  1. The border crisis is a national security issue. The border needs to be closed and all the illegal freeloaders deported back to their home countries. If cackling Kammy wins, she will not close the border and America will become a third world cesspool. We’re well on the way to that right now. Our cities are being destroyed by illegal freeloaders.

  2. I do not know why she cannot focus on the issues that are hurting America. But maybe because her mother was from India, she should put her focus into helping them. They are a great peoples but she is only focused on Kamala. I want to know where her husband fits into all of this. He should be by her side. Does she even know what love is or what it entails??/

  3. Cher to answer you last question, no she dose not know. If she did she would either divorce her Jew husband or support all Jews which she dose not do. If I where her husband I would divorce her for turning on my heritage and people.. As for your first comment. she can not focus on the issues that hurt America because she hats the American people.I have nick named her ” Camel Hairyass”.I think it fits

  4. the Constitution is very specific securing our border is the job of the executive branch of our government why we the people are willing to put up with this treason is beyond me

  5. I’m still blown away with how a person that is not American can even be considered for such a prestigious job as our president! She didn’t get any votes in 2020 and had to drop out and now she has thousands of votes! It sounds fishy to me. She is communist also and responsible for all of these illegals, high groceries prices, high everything. If anyone votes for her they’re about is big air head as she is. Why should we pay them to campaign when we are paying for jet fuel that comes from oil and gas industry? And she wants electric that’s not going push Airforce 1 and Marine 1 plus all those motorcade!


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