Liberal Media ADMITS ANOTHER ‘FAR RIGHT’ Migrant Conspiracy Theory Is TRUE After BOMBSHELL Report!



*Q.* What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and reality?

*A.* About six months.

Not far right… right so far!


  1. Americans also question why left wing media and politicians repeatedly lie to us about EVERYTHING. Common sense is not very common on the left. A lot of the time, the obvious answer is ignored by the left. The left thinks they are smart, but they’re not.

  2. Common sense is ignored by everybody. If the general public even had a brain, they would believe what they see with their OWN eyes, not just the constant stream of bullsht being spewed by the Left-wing Legacy media. They are Left wing bolsterers, without a doubt and don’t hide it. You say black, they say white. When you are at a check-out at the station or the store, does it ask if you are black, white, gay, trans, straight, male , female , MAGA or batshit Progressive? NO… It still bends us over and shoves it up our bank account. Do the homeless just shit on the sidewalks of the Right wing? NO. Whose taxes go up to support homeless junkies? Everybody’s. Who lives paycheck to paycheck? EVERYBODY… except the elite Hollywood/ Politicos of the LEFT wing…. People are dumber than sheep. They are unable to think and even when headed for the slaughter house, they just keep on steppin towards the end. Still beleiving anyone gives a shit.

  3. You are correct. These days, much of the public are dumber than sheep. These days, the price of new housing is out of sight. Prices start around $450 grand.

  4. The lying liberals/communist are allowing illegals into this country to get more votes. They do not care how much it affects average Americans. All they care about is staying in power to control all of us and to get richer. It has been all about control for many decades. The people who vote and cheat to keep these people in office, are traitors to the rest of the Country who have enough common sense to do the research.


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