Mad Maxine Waters Let The Cat Out Of The Bag!



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Maxines, Pelosis, Bidens, Clintons….names that need to go away


  1. My goodness look at that mouth of Waters. You could fit an entire watermelon in her mouth. There are smaller gaps in the Grand Canyon than her mouth.

  2. We all should have no more doubts what the whole DEI shakedown is actually about. Certain marxists are intent on filling our institutions with other marxists like fani willis, letitia james and alvin bragg. It is very sad but just as there are plenty of white marxists and communists, BHO brought our very many black communists like himself. He was mentored by some very radical marxists when he was coming up.
    I have yet to meet a single DEI manager, director, secretary or professor who had one ounce of conservative blood in their body. They are all radical leftists who have an agenda to drag the US down. It is what they do. Many are starting to actually step in it because they are getting comfortable and think most Americans believe their bullhocky. Even if they go silent for awhile, they will still be there, waiting for the next chance. All these marxists need to be brought to light. Every DEI program in the fed, state and local govt must be taken down. Equity isn’t equality, it means “give me what I want but haven’t merited on my own”- that’s equity. In a meritocracy, diversity will bloom on its own, but it just can be forced or it is will be fake.

  3. At 4:46 in this video, Brian Stelter on CNN is actually trying to project onto DJT what the democrats are ACTUALLY doing to DJT right as he speaks.
    Trump isn’t going to start jailing news anchors. That is another big phony. Leftists on CNN and MSNBC are so out to get Trump, they want their viewers to be afraid for their freedom.
    Sorry folks, the conservatives in this country aren’t going outside the constitution right now to suppress speech and imprison their #1 opposition candidate right before an election. That is what Biden, Garland, Schumer, Raskin, James, Bragg, Smith, Willis etc are actually doing to conservatives and friends of Trump right now in June of 2024.

  4. “If we’re ever to change the criminal justice system and get some justice” we’ll fire her ass from Congress, investigate and prosecute her and her husband’s illegal banking activities.

  5. Maxie Pad Waters should be arrested for her remarks about “get in all conservatives faces and tell them they no longer belong here” and her actions about approaching conservatives in restaurants and other public places harassing them to get out. This is against the law but she’s not being held accountable for her behavior. Why? All of these hard core liberal lefties are breaking laws but nothing is being done. I would like to know why. Then we have Brian Stelzer on a CNN show talking trash about Donald Trump that he will go to great lengths to commit revenge on these liberal news channels. This is an absolute lie he is spreading about Donald Trump. By the way why does his voice sound like a little girl? Is he a faggot?


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