MAGA Rally Under Attack: Trump Supporters Left BLIND After Chemical Burns, Failed Assassination?!



Kamala recently told her supporters to go to Trump rallies. Coincidence? Don’t think so.

Are they starting to target the people instead of Trump? This is disgusting.


  1. Democrat party terrorists equal “NO Charges”. The corrupted alphabet soup agencies have chosen, and they have chosen tyranny!
    As far as the rally goes, of course the secret service is going to say, nothing happened. Has anyone one swabbed underneath the stands…? of not! I bet they still haven’t even looked under the stands or anywhere else

  2. DemonRATS are a party of corruption,violence and hate,if you don’t agree with thier way of thinking then you are the enemy there’s no such thing as live and let live

  3. Perhaps they’re starting to target Trump’s supporters now. I have a Trump lawn sign, but I have reservations about putting it up. The Leftists are crazy.

    • IF you live in a RED state, you should have the right to protect your property, family and yourself against any threat. This now includes harmful words. But Amy Coney Barrette says you must prove you were “harmed” by these words. So you should harm the one who spoke them, just to make sure…. and for identification purposes later (coroner)

  4. Kamala and all her cronies should have to answer for all this. They all deserve to be locked up and throw away the key. The media will spin it so Trump is responsible, they always do. Americans we need to wake up to what’s happening to this country and vote all the crooks out of office

    • socialism was never defeated by playing “patty cake” with them. They must be eliminated or disposed of to stop them. Sadly, even after dead, they can still vote

  5. Has anyone mentioned what this chemical is? I haven’t heard anything. Any doctors saying what it is? People need to know if it has lasting affects. How was it dispersed? All we’ve heard is that it happened but there are no details.

  6. This is just pitiful! The demon rats have done a great job pushing hate! That is not a Christian thing to do ! Wait! I forgot, they’re not Christian. It makes me sad that our country has come to this! Why can’t the demon rats and their supporters agree to disagree? I could never hurt someone because of my affiliation with the Democrats . Yes I keep forgetting the Democrats are evil ! I wonder what they’ll think on their deathbed? Hell is waiting!

    • “by any means necessary” quote from Malcom X. He hated the White liberals 61 years ago, when they were putting his people on the new Amerikan plantations (section 8 housing)(concrete jungle)


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