My condolences to Boston’s residents for having a government that only cares for you if you’re a criminal.
“A Communist system can be recognized by the fact that it spares the criminals and criminalizes the political opponent.”
-Alexander Solschenizyn
want to know WHY I would never live or even visit the north part of socialist Amerika? IT is occupied by the second most vile savages known to mankind, the yankee. Here the yankee is sad that the most savage breed of criminal/thug was killed? as a human, you cannot be free AND be foolish, for very long. Amerika needs better leash laws and strong cages for our animals.
BACK OFF FOOL! I am from NJ and live in northwest Jersey and I am as REDNECK as any “good ole boy” from below the Mason Dixon line! Granted, up here we are flooded with socialists democrats, but to lump all “Yankees”into the same group is the same as me saying that all you guys down there are ‘Klan” members! I served with the 82nd Airborne Div. from 1974-77 at Fort Bragg, and spent 3 yrs in the southern states, and loved it down there. But my family is up here and my roots run deep. History didn’t start and end with the “Civil War” or “War of Northern Aggression” whichever you prefer, and to constantly blame events on what happened in 1865 is childish at best! Take some time to actually read a book, you may learn something.
Tim you are so right. The most evil, lying sanctimonious bastards in the US and beyond. The entire Eastern Coast is populated with the scum. No sympathy for the devils.
Maybe you should read some my past comments, and you’ll see just how misinformed you truly are! Good Americans live everywhere in this great country, it’s just too bad that we get outvoted by the democrats in certain areas. But you are too simple-minded to see it like it is. Check the vote totals and you’ll see where millions of good people voted for Trump in these “scum” areas. Think about it, Trump is from NY City and has a home in NJ. Does that make him scum too? Maybe you should think first and comment later.
It could have been worse. They could have arrested the cop who shot the perp and charged him with murder. These liberal Democraps need to be voted out of office.
I agree, here in Jersey Gov.Murphy barely pulled it off and Trump made it really close.
Actually the mayor seems to be Chinese in origin. CCP skillful sleeper? The Boston voters sure are dumb.
“Oh, the poor knife wielding maniac. We’re so sorry he was shot and killed. Boo hoo hoo. He was such a nice man”. That’s how the liberal Democraps think.
It is disgusting how these libtards think.
This is another example of the descent into total mind control by the
communist in the statehouse is going, and fast.
Over 425 MILLION DOLLARS directly to pander to illegals added to the state debt!!!!!
Just dirt for those who have lived here for a lifetime.
I live in another part of the state where the “hivemind” is not controlling us. Those extreme whacko’s for the most part live inside the Rt. 128 beltway. ALL the big cities here are infected with the far left idiots.
The problem is the leftest Soros & Schwab is try to calaps our country and Dem politicians are helping. While taking our money to live the high life! then the whole world order will try to take over the world.