Maxine Waters Gets BIGGEST BACKFIRE In Court History!



D.E.I. has ruined this Country !

The Democrat Black Leadership Experiment has utterly failed across the board.


  1. There are many people (of different races, nationalities) who are more qualified in their profession but then there are others who think because they are better only because of their race that it’s automatically a given. NO it doesn’t work that way. Maxine Waters is a hateful, greedy person who should be held responsible for her disgusting behavior telling others to “get in the faces of Republicans” and tell them they are not worthy to live in this country because she says so. Who the hell are you Maxie Pad? Many of us born and raised here in America DO HAVE THE RIGHT TO LIVE HERE AND YOU ARE A UGLY SLOB OF A PERSON TO SAY WE DON’T. She should leave if this country isn’t good enough for her but she won’t because she lives in a plush mansion (not even in her district) because her district is in the slums. Maxie is a dictator just like many of her constituents who demand certain things for themselves but the average people get scraps. I have a message for all these jackasses who think they are better than us…. GO GET A JOB THAT YOU ACTUALLY WORK AT AND EARN YOUR PAYCHECK, NOT SOME CLEAN AIRCONDITIONED OFFICE RUNNING YOUR UGLY MOUTH!! The left and the Rinos should be taken out of office NOW ASAP because they are not good enough to be trusted.

  2. After Trump was railroaded in NY, My first thought was “Is this what they’ve been doing to Black people in NY all these years

    • As a retired attorney from New York, I can assure you it is exactly the opposite. I worked as a prosecutor, Law Secy to an appellate judge, and defense lawyer. If anything we always leaned over backwards to help minority defendants. Many diversion programs, and judges who were,
      unlike Judge Merchan, not influenced by race, creed, color or bank account. What often escaped most people, as well as the press, is that the minorities made up a large percentage of defendants—which was partly due to lack of intact families and inadequate education. I could go on, but you get the point.

  3. When you lie about one thing you will lie about everything rule number one trust no one
    especially demonrats and rhino republican who are demonrats in republican disguised make people earn your trust don’t just give it away

  4. I really can’t stand big mouth Max. She only lies, when she opens her huge mouth. She should be in prison for inciting violence against conservatives.

  5. I don’t care if a judge is black or white as long as the Judge rules FAIRLY. Waters had to be picked only because of her race because it’s apparent she sure isn’t intelligent and that big mouth of hers could swallow half of CA.


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