That dog-faced hag can run??? Another Biden cadaver on its last leg, crumbling and rotting as it collects a paycheck. What relevance does this token still hold in the new world of Freedom? Remember when Clinton put “work for Welfare” policy in place? He must have missed her.
How in blazes, do these ignorant lunatics keep getting elected? It definitely says a lot about her constitutions, doesn’t it!!!! Brain dead all the way!
What a disgrace. Epitome of stupidity. She cant even speak English properly.
Terrible person & should be investigated.
When will the idiot voters send mad Aunt Maxie out to pasture? Why do they keep reelecting that vile, empty airhead?
Mad Max Big old Pucker Lips. You could wet those Big Lips and stick her to the Wall. One Dumb Old Bag of Hot Air and one WORTHLESS POS
That dog-faced hag can run??? Another Biden cadaver on its last leg, crumbling and rotting as it collects a paycheck. What relevance does this token still hold in the new world of Freedom? Remember when Clinton put “work for Welfare” policy in place? He must have missed her.
How in blazes, do these ignorant lunatics keep getting elected? It definitely says a lot about her constitutions, doesn’t it!!!! Brain dead all the way!
The idiot voters will likely keep reelecting that vile, hate-filled old hag until she finally croaks. Then they won’t be able to reelect her anymore.