Migrant Gangs Leave NYC… To Destroy New Jersey



Anyone who would vote for four more years of this hell needs a mental evaluation.

Well done Democrats,,,, you must take full responsibility for this


  1. Think Maduro is stupid? Think again. US hatred of Maduro makes it easy to plead “political asylum.” So just empty the jails and take advantage of the open borders. In 1980, Fidel pilled the same trick on Jimmy Carter. Now you know why the Dems are trying to oust Mayor Adams. Rudy and Trump need to man up and support him, splitting the Dems.

  2. Correct. Nicky Maduro is emptying his prisons and sending the bastards here. Now he won’t accept deportations, so we’re stuck with the bastards. All the more reason to close the border.

  3. I live in Colorado. We have a useless governor, useless mayors and now a very violent gang committing crimes. Denver used to be a beautiful safe city and now I would not be caught dead in Denver. This is what the rotten Democrats have done to my beautiful state. The time for doing nothing is over. The time for getting rid of these scum politicians is long past. We must vote for Trump or we will no longer have a country.

    • Many of these gang members have been deported several times already. The democrat party has brought in a mercenary army to fight your children for control of this country. They are the muscle for Globalist Banking interests that favor establishing World Government that they control. To kill the idea of nationalism you have to take down the most successful iteration of Nationhood in human history. Liberal Ladies, your self indulgent compassion will not be reciprocated when the ” Newcomers ” take everything you have, including your life.

    • YES YES YES liquidate these scum sucking criminals! They should be bused to Martha’s Vineyard, let the uppity dems take care of this mess they created

  4. Donald, we have the same problem in NY State. A useless governor and useless mayors. The mayor of NY City is an incompetent idiot. Violent illegal migrants are taking over NY City. A 15 year old Venezuelan pisspot was arrested at least a dozen times since April, yet he’s still free to roam the streets and terrorize citizens with knives. Someone needs to shoot that bastard.

    • It may end up sadly that we the people will have to take action. God help all of us if she steals the election and becomes President. We could be seeing another Civil War. I cannot take 4 more years of this crap.

  5. Donald, you are correct. We The People may have to take matters into our own hands. If cackling Kammy wins, she WILL NOT close the border and the invasion will continue. Imagine what America will be like after 4 more years of this crap. America will become a third world cesspool.

    • Obama said he wanted to “Fundamentally change America”. His minions are doing just that. As Bill Clinton said a few days ago the big plan is to lower the birth rate and import laborers. (( and illegal residents from around the world).

      That is the plan you are watching unfold.

      • All of these elites like gates, schwab and the politicians need to be gone ASAP. If they want to lower the population, they can start with themselves.

  6. Okay! I want our USA back. How about we move all of these immigrants to the doorsteps of Biden and Kamala. They and their cronies ask for this now let them feel the pain that they have put all Americans in. No other country in the world would put up with this trash. And yes they are illegally aliens. They came in against our laws.


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