MSNBC GOES INTO FULL BLOWN PANIC Over BOMBSHELL Trump Attorney General Pick Replacing Matt Gaetz



How long before they accuse her of sexual assault?!

Matt was the bait Trump needed to fully unmask the Rinos!


  1. And Matt would have fought to do right for the ppl But yes the rinos and hose speaker last time caused Pres Trump for getting many things done to help the Country and i dont trust speaker johnson who has CRAWLED to help the dem on everything it seem while saying how hard he worked for the ppl More like worked with the Rinos and dems to shaft the ppl How he can pull it off this time but the NWO rinos will fight just like the dem to stop there money lose They are as crooked as the dem on their PORK

  2. I hope it’s all in a plan. But that seems to be the case. But if he tries anything like that with President Trump in there his ASS will be REPLACED.!!!

  3. The way I see it, the louder they cry, means trump is doing things right way. The democrats had a chance to fix things. But didn’t do damn thing to help the people. Now it’s time to step to the side cause real men are coming thtought . No more games

    • What the Democrats not only did not help the people, every program and public position HURT the electorate. 34 TRILLION above the water line bleeding out the middle class on Ukraine funding, DEI bullshit, massive theft losses, expanding threats from the IRS, capitulating with Iran, baiting the Russians, Actively supporting the Mexican cartels in Fentanyl and Human trafficking as just the top of a long list. The Democrat party is a CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE.

  4. First they complain that people are unqualified and are therefore “dangerous”, now they claim that she is competent and qualified and somehow THAT is now “dangerous”…. Go figure.

  5. The RINOs came out of the woodwork in objection to Gaetz. The inhouse enemy has been identified. Game on and take no prisoners.

  6. She seems like a good pick; and, as always, I like Black Conservative Perspective, a good man who really thinks, and makes good points. Too bad that the queers and perverts and
    drug users and godless atheists on msnbc are going into a panic, over Pam Bondi being picked for AG…I really FEEL for them, all right (NOT!!!!) What happened to the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, by the way, who turned away from God, huh, msnbc? What is going to happen to YOU, huh? It is SO NICE to get a God-fearing Christian woman, in the attorney general’s office–let her sweep out all of the TRASH!!! (YEAH!!!!)


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