Nancy gets pressed to ADMIT IT ALL!! Holy crap it’s worse than you think.



Who else believes Nancy should be in prison?

I am glad I’m an American and not a Democrat. Definitely voting for Trump in November. Who is with me?


  1. This pathetic, lying, sick, two=faced, evil, backstabbing, hypocrite, was the main force to organize the coup, with obuthead, schumer, durbin, and other puppets, couped him out, and biden crumbled, his wife abandoned him. Hidenbiden weekend, at bernies, is over with, we need a real president, not the worst VP in we have ever had in American history, to replace the other worthless, incompetent, puppet joe, who his buddies, kicked to the curb, because mentally unfit, to lead. lol What a joke.

  2. Slack jawed, one lazy eye, teeth always popping out, cannot speak without gesticulating, always shaking her fist like mousolini or histler, Anybody who believes a word this Broad speaks is dumber than a San Francisco voter and they are pretty damn dumb, hell their city looks like Tijuana, With a crime rate as bad, and smells worse thanks to her and her nephew and Kamala harris policies.

  3. Last night watching the democrats gather together to spread their lies once again we were actually watching what we call THE SWAMP. all gathered together to see who could tell the most lies. all have used taxpayer money to enrich themselves whatever way they can Hillary kept the money she took up for the people of Haiti. Millions of dollars.
    they cover for each other, and nobody is ever charged. Pelosi is 84 yrs. old and intends to run again and said she wants to be speaker again. (to impeach Trump, I guess) Please vote her out. Bidon was never the President anyhow. The election was stolen, and Obama was running the show. And should Kamala win, God help us. Obama will have his 4th term as President. It’s already planned folks. Our country will be like California is today. Totally ruined with drugs and people living in filth n the streets. We have to take our country back folks. TRUMP 2024


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