why and when will she go
is this after her hip surgery and fall in Italy, and what is she on pain meds and alcohol,
and when is someone going to tell her to go, go home, enjoy whatever time you have left and forget about the white house, go somewhere with paul, but go and take the turtle with you
I don’t feel sorry for Queen Nancy at all. She finally got a well-deserved comeuppance. The devil will have to take her at some point. No other venue will have her.
Why do we put up with a politician who enters politics and goes from lying and plagerism to senility and senility to insanity and from insanity to treason?
Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell are the poster politicians for Term Limits
You are so correct with that comment … Term Limits are to be Demanded
AGREE 100%
why and when will she go
is this after her hip surgery and fall in Italy, and what is she on pain meds and alcohol,
and when is someone going to tell her to go, go home, enjoy whatever time you have left and forget about the white house, go somewhere with paul, but go and take the turtle with you
I don’t feel sorry for Queen Nancy at all. She finally got a well-deserved comeuppance. The devil will have to take her at some point. No other venue will have her.
Surprised her fake teeth didn’t fall out of her mouth, she must have used super glue! Evil lying corrupt disgusting pig! I call her Piglousy.
Her face looks bloated, with that stupid, forced grin. She’s likely on plenty of pain meds washed down with lots of booze.
Is there a way of getting rid of a president that is a traitor -lmentioned in the Constitution?
Why do we put up with a politician who enters politics and goes from lying and plagerism to senility and senility to insanity and from insanity to treason?