Nancy Pelosi Suffers Life-Threatening Injury, HOSPITALIZED In Foreign Country After Horrific Fall



She is rich. She needs to pay for her own travel. RETIRE!

I hope she gets investigated for her insider trading.


  1. I agree with the term limits as well as the age limits and you can, and should add (being a elected official) a mental ability clause too. But then, they’ll probably still be like a booger on your finger, to finally get them out of office. 🤣

  2. One trip Nancy took was on Air Force 1. How did she rate this? Plus , she demanded champagne and strawberries as a must have. Who paid? “We The People” paid for her “trip”. She should be audited and repay every penny back with interest, and include insider trading monies.

    • IT has been “We the Sheeople” since the REPUBLIC of, was destroyed by our first and only tyrant, mass murderer, POTUS Abraham Lincoln. We have only 4 years to correct this. We cannot waste one day. Get ready for Jan, 21 2025, IF they don’t kill Trump, next time. There WILL be a next time, they have to.

  3. You are correct. We the People paid for her extravagant trips. She was denied Communion here, so she flew to the Vatican so da pope-ah could give it to her. Who does that? What makes her think she’s going to the “good place” after she croaks?

  4. “LIFE THREATENING INJURY”?????? How many elderly Americans have hip replacement surgeries in this country and WILL NOT receive five star paid treatment she willl??????? Talk about double standards!!!!

  5. I’m sick and tired of this abuse of taxpayers money by these politicians ,it needs to end and term limits need to start, we need politicians to retire or be removed at age 68 period,and these life time payment plans once they’re done needs to stop!

    • RED states need to separate from this evil empire called Amerika. Just like in 1776 & 1861. The founders and Jesus both said to “separate” from such evil/gov’t., “give not hardy approval”.

  6. She can only come back if she says she will quit and pay out of pocket for her care – she figures she was on the job so USA has to pay!


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