News Anchor EXPOSES Tim Walz, Gets Mic Cut on LIVE TV!



The news network cutting off the broadcast just validated what this guy is saying.

Censorship must be STOPPED!


  1. What totally baffles me is the lack of research people do on the presidential candidates. Trump is a convicted felon, many times over and by his 12 of his peers(jury). Know racist landlord for years on end with his father. Many claim, went ti court, got paid to shut up about rape, minor and of age women. Court transcripts putting him with Epstein, a pedo, doing despicable acts. The Election fraud on the phone from his mouth! Are people that stupid!!!! Damn !!!! And the so called peacefull protest that Trump initiated got cops beatup, a person shot and killed, breaking and entering with calls out for certain people’s heads. The destruction and violence and personal hatred toward White House officials and then argue they are heroes, not to be prosecuted. These are woke people?!!

  2. Donald Trump wants total immunity from anything. Just ask yourself why somebody feels this is necessary. This same person wants to be a dictator for a day. Told a religious group to go out and vote, just this one last time, and after that we will take care of it , you won’t need to anymore, just this one last time. Wtf does that mean people. He will appoint any and everyone he needs in place like he has done. He will never leave office woke people. Mark my words here and now. Trump will eat away at out democracy and will not leave office. He praises leaders like Putin in Russia and other dictators. He dictates, he always right. Kamala is the better of the two considering the potential that Trump has in him. This guy continues to lie, cheat , steal and get caught. Instead of attacking me here, really pay attention what Trump does. It’s all there for everyone to figure out. People that support Trump watch Trump supporting news( the real fake news).You never see the truth. He say fake news, it’s his news that’s fake, election interference, he was on phone attempting to bribe votes, I know you all heard that. He has the best people, that he continues to fire then badmouthing. Calls others crooked and such, that’s him. He blames others for what he does wrong and don’t take advice, that’s from his people not me. He IS racist, womanizer, bully, vengeful, convicted on multiple felony charges, even if just brought up in courtrooms about him and EPstien, why take chance on a shady person like Trump, why? Think people

  3. Hey Derek, in case you haven’t noticed, Hunter Biden is a convicted felon. Joe Biden is a felon too, but he’ll get away with his crimes.
    As for Trump, this was a Soviet-style trial with a preordained verdict in a deep blue state. How did they make 34 felonies out of a bookkeeping error? Let’s assume Trump paid that bimbo Stormy Daniels. A non-disclosure agreement aka “hush money” is not illegal. It’s not a crime. Trump’s conviction will not survive an appeal.

  4. Dopey Joe said he won’t pardon is wayward son, but no one believes that. Dopey Joe WILL pardon is wayward son. Guaranteed. Hunter won’t spend a day in jail, nor will he be held accountable for his crimes. Dopey Joe himself, will never be held accountable for his crimes against America. Not in this life, anyway. He will have to answer to God, eventually. And then what? Hell is the only place he can go. No other venue will have him. I’m not a perfect person, but I never tortured helpless animals like Dr Fraudci did. I never sold America out, like dopey Joe did.


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