NYC Gang Attacks Governor… Outside McDonald’s



How many times a day does this happen to a non famous person and it is never mentioned.

Yet 200 innocent people were assaulted that same day and no one will ever speak their name.


  1. You assholes let people who are arrested right out of prison on a GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD!! good for you! You show them that you are weak and worthless — YOU GET WHAT YOU ASKED FOR. Start locking them up and prosecuting them and this will stop!!!

  2. New York City is much too busy doing the witch hunts for 25 and 30 year-old sex offenses or so they claim to deal with petty street crime maybe ought to change the laws for that too

    • Alex-are you saying that predator molesters should not be arrested? Are you aware of babies and children having been murdered by predator child molesters; older children have black eyes from being sodomized. And other medical problems. I’ve seen autopsies of these precious little ones-child molestation is a VIOLENT CRIME. It’s NOT a “witch hunt”.

  3. My TV, Cable, Internet, Email, Magazines, Mail Flyers, Commercials, Ads, are all black or foreign. The ‘NEW AMERICA’ has gone to Hell. FAT is OK, UGLY is OK, Nasty mouths are OK, Pierced Noses working at StarBucks are OK, tits hanging out all over the RED CARPET, as well as asses, are OK. Tattoos and UGLY HAIR are OK. AND YOU CAN CARRY A GUN ON YOUR ASS IN THE GROCERY STORE in many states ! ! ! Brainwashing 101. And – Howard Stern can kiss my ass. He’s as stupid and slimy as he looks!

  4. Hi Guys, we all forget to give compliments to the parents of these manufacturers of the violence on street, chaos in our cities, schools and whereever, for these manufacturers were brought into this world, not because they were produced with love but simply by an act of procration. These are the ones who are a plenty and they are destroying the very fabric of our society. The Heavens have closed the gates on America.

  5. There are more assaults on police than ever before. Now former governor Patterson is attacked. No one is safe in NY City anymore. The problem is Andy Cuomo’s so-called bail “reform”. Cuckoo Kathy Hochul could fix the problem, but she won’t. Instead, she’s focused on banning guns, gasoline powered cars, gas stoves and gas furnaces. Duh.

  6. Cuckoo Kathy is absolutely worse than Cuomo. Just when you think things can’t get any worse in this craphole state, they do get worse.


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