NYC Sidewalks are Exploding… Why?



When “investigators have no idea” what caused an explosion, trust and believe they know exactly what caused it.

Ironic, that you can be arrested for going into a condemned building, but you can steal all you want or rob people and nothing happens.


  1. Come on, folks… any city that close to the ocean, water, rivers, at some point has to cave, especially with millions and millions of humans on top of what land is still stable… Mother Nature has had enough bullsht from us. The same applies to Florida, Cali, anywhere on the coast. We try to extend the coast, try to put homes on stilts, try to fight back, but really? How much more does it take to realize that what is not destoryed by storms, will be burned down by the most “intelligent” being on earth. What a joke. Here in Colorado they want to promote killing big cats due to the decrease in the White Tail deer population, since that is their prey but they reintroduced packs of wolves two years ago. WTF????? OH, sorry, I guess those wolf packs were VEGAN?????, survive on lettuce, corn, broccoli, carrots? wtf…. Here is a novel, critically thought through idea……. for the LEFT-wing assholes pushing this bullsht….. Limit hunting licenses for a decade , so humans QUIT SHOOTING THE DEER!!!!!!!!!!!! DUH. But that option never mentioned. When the human race is obliterated, the mother earth will be at peace again.

    • your correct
      and don’t forget the bears,
      destroying their homes and moving in cutting down their food supplies and when the bears smell food and coming into trash cans we have a hissy fit and kill them for nothing,

  2. New York, just like California, voted for democrats who care nothing for America or its people. They are now getting just what they asked for, destruction from with in. Worst part they will never wake up and it will just keep on going. Stupid is as stupid dose.

  3. I’m sure they know why the sidewalks are exploding, but they won’t admit it. NavyVet, you are correct. The idiot voters will keep electing and reelecting Democraps over and over. They never learn.


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