Obama CAUGHT spreading LIES about Trump! This ends NOW!!



People are losing their homes and are struggling to buy food! Thanks to Obama and Biden! Thank goodness Trump is coming back!!

Let’s get this straight, 2020 was stolen and im sick of people saying it wasn’t!!!!!!


    • IF this was happening to black folk in Amerika, do YOU think we would be hearing about it from the news every hour? IT is working citizens that are struggling. NOT the lazy on OUR (wasted) tax dollars. Defund the unGREATful SOCIETY and the FIBbers (Gestapo).

  1. The American people aren’t stupid like the Democrats think unless you are a Democrat. Democrats could care less about the American people they only care about the American people’s Taxes Dollars so they can get richer.

  2. The token Black Messiah, he speaks. Wow, and the shamed, white privileged toadies fall to their knees. What they don’t realize about Obambam is that HE IS the product of white privilege. His daddy baby- momma was a white woman from Kansas and he had the advantage of a working, educated family, and when he was born, his Kenyan daddy was still married to his African wife… so.. Is he legitimate? His life was nothing like that of a Black American. He traveled all over the world, was educated, and had white privilege. He has just taken a massive sht all over America to prove how black he wanna-be

    • the “scam” was allowed by our incompetent gov’t.. The Dept. of JUST US communist, should have never allowed barry boy obama of Canadian Camela to run for POTUS. socialism MUST be crushed in the next 4 years. Restore the republic that Lincoln destroyed. Make men and states, sovereign and FREE again. LIBERTY of death. Christ or chaos.

  3. Biden and Obama have destroyed America now the democrats battle Trump at every turn they haven’t learned anything by Kamala major defeat


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