Republican Rep. DEMANDS Answers: ‘What Happened To Joe Biden’s 20 Million Voters?!’



This proves that they rigged it last time.

Those votes never existed.


  1. Vote counters were watched this time in battle ground was close to fair..this time..the last “election “ was stolen and we all know it..and a lot of people realize that comrade Harris and tampon Tim were Marxist …this is just a very polite term for a communist puke..we are a free republic with a constitution not a communist democracy

  2. They are still counting votes because they still have cheating. Do you really think Harris won 69,000,000 votes? The secretary of state in Michigan said a couple days before this election the Dominion voting machines were flipping straight tickets to the other candidate (IF Trump selected vote went to Harris, I don’t believe Harris went to Trump). She said it was happening across the country but Dominion was “fixing the glitch”; This happened in 2020 and now it is 4 years later and it still isn’t fixed? Also in 2022, 17,500 dead people voted in Michigan and believe it or not they all voted for Biden. More than 109% of registered voters in Michigan voted in 2022. You wonder where those 20 million votes came from? This happened in Michigan plus a 68.5% error rate in a small county in Michigan from a forensic audit. It probably happened in every county. Our 2020 election was stolen from us!

  3. The body count will start to stack up
    the 2020 election will be exposed
    What about what they did to Flynn
    They did to a squirrel what they want to do to we the people

  4. Benny, I just wanted to tell you my husband and I watched the election results with you until I finally had to go to bed at 1 am because I had to work the next day. Watching the election results with you, was so much fun! I never had so much fun watching the returns come in. In the past, I would have been in bed much earlier because I couldn’t stay awake, but not this time! I didn’t want to go to bed at 1 am but I had to. Next election, I am watching you again. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  5. The commie dumbocrap party is finished, done with. The American people know the party does not help the people, but want their vote for total control, power, and glory for themselves, that’s why they were crushed in a red wave,u haven’t seen anything yet. Mountain man u were right on the money, with these dumbocrap traitors.

  6. The 2020 election was rigged, but the liberal media will never admit it. In NY State, the authorities got a warrant to enter a home, confiscate a pet squirrel and pet racoon AND EUTHANIZE THEM. What country are we living in? Communist China? North Korea? Not a peep from cuckoo Kathy Hochul. Not a peep! She’s an evil, worthless bitch. She’d euthanize us commoners who voted Republican, if she could. She has pure contempt for us.

  7. yes, the truth always comes out, now let’s make those responsible, be an example for treason against the great united states. Confiscate all ill-gotten gains and bank accounts, and more importantly power.

  8. Now more than ever we need to stand and support President Trump.The Demonrats are not gonna take this sitting still.Like President Trump said, Fight Fight Fight. Time to keep the Demonrats down and under. They deserve no mercy.

  9. Just read their Adjudication Patent. It explains the cheating where votes are switched and for every vote received by one specific candidate, automatically 1.25 votes are added to the other candidate’s votes. It’s all explained, and Dominion’s operation manuals confirm all of this. Just read and learn.

  10. The numbers don’t lie. We went to bed in 2020 with Trump winning and when we woke up, Biden had won. CA is spending a week trying to cheat on house votes. So my question is, when they admit that the 2020 election was stolen then what happens to Jan 6 arrested individuals? Because then they were right. They were Patriots that have been imprisoned.

  11. The MainStreamMedia aka the LameStreamMedia aka the Heritage Media (where the HELL did that one come from?) has ridiculed us for years.

    The Democrat politicians have ridiculed us for years.

    The Courts have ridiculed us for years.

    Our liberal “family and friends” have ridiculed us for years.



    The winners go to the gallows or the wall, their choice. TELEVISED.

  12. Cuckoo Kathy Hochul is next on the “to be voted out” roster. She barely won the 2020 election by “the skin of her teeth”.

  13. NEWSFLASH From the desk of BLATANT MISINFORMATION NEWS. Ten million ballots have finally been delivered by the USPS to the seven swing states. Amazingly, all for Harris/Walz. This changes the Electoral Vote and Trump/Vance lose. Film at 11.

  14. I never bought that Biden won in 2020…He got 81 million votes, which was way more than what Obama had, and only won some crucial swing states by thin margins of few thousand votes, including Georgia where Trump was leading, when all of a sudden –Bingo!..The voting stopped, and they started announcing that Sleepy was the one taking the lead from then on…I just didn’t buy it after that…It should be fully investigated, because there’s a lot of folks in jail for protesting a rigged election, and it appears there were right!


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