Resurfaced Clip of Gavin Newsom Boasting About Reducing Water Supplies Goes Viral



Newsom should be criminally charged.

The fish swim freely, but the people are made destitute.


  1. HANG that SOB from the nearest tree, or in L.A. Town Square. And on LIVE TELEVISION FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO SEE !!!

    Anyone agree !!??

    • Well, it’s about time common sense is allowed to flourish. Left wing stupidity is out the window. At last. Thank you, President Trump. You have saved the day again!

  2. This dictator wannabe must never become president of our country,his policies are nothing but disasters,he would destroy America within his 1st year

  3. Gavin was a perfect mayor for San Francisco. Unfortunately, like so many officials/politicians, he is unable and unwilling to work in the private sector. His winery is run by his sister. His restaurant was run by those with actual experience in the business. Somehow Americans got the idea in the 1970s that politicians were all about looks. The Republicans had the handsome Ronald Reagan. Even Queen Elizabeth II adored him. The Democrats had the handsome JFK. Gavin Newsom was intended to be the Democrat’s next handsome candidate. Unfortunately, China owns him, and we all know it. The smelt had a point, but Gavin had no idea had to balance the risks, dangers and needs. Then, DEI struck deep in our guts during the 1990s, having been spearheaded by the Affirmative Action of the late 1970s. We no longer had anyone on board who had a clue what they were doing. Merit has never been the primary criteria as prejudice and discrimination based on sex and race was overwhelming. Prejudice based on family relations, nepotism, has always been a factor. No one cared about merit, although now after total incompetence, it may be given some respect.

  4. This TWAT needs to be hanged by the neck, his skinny neck util his eyes but out of his greasy head. He looks like he smells like fish. Crotch rot? He f’d over the folks in California, and wants a pat on his back. He needs to get a sex change, move to Mexico and run for the head of a cartel. Its all that he loves and cares about. Certainly not America.

  5. This freak is a OWO monster that wants the human population vastly reduced. Bill gates is and all the graduates of the WEF also. These freaks need to be greatly reduced themselves

  6. This freak is a OWO monster that wants the human population vastly reduced. Bill gates is and all the graduates of the WEF also. These freaks need to be greatly reduced themselves…..


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