Sam Elliott JUST HUMILIATED Woke Culture And Hollywood Is MAD



Yeah he shouldn’t have apologized. He is real, they are off the planet.

Too bad he apologized


  1. The freaks, geeks, and weirdos don’t have a relationship with the truth, and that is why they rage when they hear the truth! So, who really has the problem? The truth is, whether you believe it or not, and that is the facts!

  2. A handful of alternative people controlling the majority that isn’t allowed to have an alternate opinion. I don’t want to see straight people PDA and I am revolted by gay PDA on TV every time I turn on the TV. I’m ashamed to watch TV with my grandchildren because everything is perverted.

  3. I support Sam Elliot. We all have the right to voice our own opinions. Fact. Others don’t have to like it. Fact. He, and us conservatives, are tired of the “woke” culture. I’m not oppose to LGBTQ+ in cinema, but don’t try to change what is, or manipulate what was to your own agenda. Silencing truth doesn’t stop truth from existing. Your truth is yours alone, and alone is not fact.

  4. Hollywood is hurting from lack of money. Actors are begging people to watch their movies. The people are turning away from Hollywood because they are homophobic, low-class, disgusting and hateful. Most of us know what they do in the tunnels. Hollywood screams at us for our wanting good movies, not filth, clown looks and hate. They are being slapped in the face now as they should be. They cannot force us to do their bidding. I don’t ever go to movies anymore nor do I watch their movies on tv. There is an old expression that says: you reap what you sow.

  5. Real men are getting scarce. The liberals have a stronghold in education that is only going to make it worse. Sam should not have to apologize a few people rights should not outweigh his right to say what he feels about this woke idealogy

    • I might have agreed without you except last May I injured both knees and am still with a walker and cane, since they also found a tumor I don’t get up curbs or stairs easily, etc. and the number of men, not women, and two weeks ago a young boy of about 10 reached out to help me. Real men are out there and go into action when needed. bless them all

  6. The 1st Amendment is all good unless you express opinions inconsistent with the woke culture. It’s fine to convey woke values but it’s not fine to speak out against them. I suggest ignoring, changing the channel and don’t go see their movies.

  7. Jerry from Soquel

    I agree with all of the above ; Except Maggie. AFAIC the gays, queers, lesbians etc. shouldn’t be trying to ram their agenda down our throats and I’m sick of child mutilation.

    Children should be taught reading, writing and arithmetic. None of this woke CRAP!

  8. Sam is an Icon. Miss him these days. Watched all his Western Movies, What a Cowboy. I am so sick and tired of this One Sided Garbage about The Gays and their Garbage and HURT FEELINGS!!! Sam has the Freedom to speak his mind. You don’t have to like it, but I thought we were still in a FREE AMERICA!!!!! Sam I saw no reason to APOLOGIZE!!!! That was the wrong thing to do. That is why FREE SPEECH is falling by the wayside. Love Ya and MISS YOU SAM!!!!


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