Secret Service Director Makes STUNNING Admissions About Trump Assassination | PROOF of COVER UP



At this point, if you don’t think this was a setup, then something is definitely wrong with you

Even if you hate Trump, how can you vote for an administration that will eliminate any human being that it disapproves of.


    • the cowards (slaves) that fund (April 15) them are to blame. My ancestors separated from this evil empire 163 years ago, because of ONE small tax increase. Abe Lincoln had 660 000 people killed and then destroyed the republic of We the People. The idiots built a “TEMPLE” to worship him, in the new Den of Corruption. GOD is watching, so am I.

  1. Kamala Harris and Walz. And people are actually voting for these incompetent whack jobs. Mainstream Media caters and lies. Walz is going to allow tampons in men’s bathroom. Big win. He supports sex changes for youth. Hide from your parents. Do not tell either. Public School Boards and Teacher’s Unions all in. The First News and NewsMax are the only fact checking News. That’s pretty sad. All these Socialists and Communists want everything equal. If you work hard, you will be paid the same as a lazy person. If you are white, back of the line. What happened to racism? The government will tell you what to eat, where to live, what to drive. Or else you will end up in jail. Kind of sounds like North Korea, Iran, Russia. The playbook is right out of the Communist agenda. No thanks. I will stick with my loving God who sent his only begotten son, Jesus. And I will continue to spread his word until this body dies and I go to Heaven. The rest of these evildoers will hear God say, “Away from me, I never new you.” Then they will be separated from God in eternal hell. Joining all the evil doers. Or, Pray in Jesus Name for the forgiveness of your sins. Get Baptized. Tell others about the Lord.

  2. What is this video showing a secret service agent with the shooter 20 minutes before Trump shooter? Is this legit? Makes me and others sick of these bastards. They lie, steal, cheat, and then have the nerve to blame Trump. Psycho.


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