They voted for a guy, that thinks he’s a woman last time, yet claim Pete is unqualified? This congress is just embarrassing, and I, for one, is not with them
I’m not a General, like you’re not an American Indian! BOOM
Liz Warren is a genuine, board certified nutjob. Yep, she’s the real deal, folks.
Liz Warren is NOT a native American. She’s whiter than yours truly.
Can she PLEASE just go away!!! She has done absolutely nothing worthwhile and gets paid with our tax dollars. Time to go by-by Liz.
GO AWAY ! That bumbling, stumbling, fat Hawaiian turd needs to go back to the jungle from whence she came
Who keeps her in and why is she not voted out…..I thought Massachusetts was a pretty wise state….
Democratics’s are such Liars and losers
Dems don’t necessarily vote for the person running…only for the many freebies they promise they are going to make.
Has she repaid the money she basically stole from real Americans? She’s just another low life poor excuse for a human being? A liar and typical democrat, corrupt.