She is Having a BREAKDOWN Over This Question…



Every time she blinks a democratic demon gets it’s wings.

I will be glad when we know longer hear her lies.


  1. Karime is a cheap paid liar. The proof is in the actual people that were at the occasions where President Clown shows up but doesn’t know how to leave, Karime wasn’t even born in America. Biden is not nor has he ever been President of the United States. He would have been President of Washington DC, only if he were alive. He was executed 1/20/17 and is buried at Arlington National Cemetary. His grave ID number is: 267327344. Karime is the one who is lying – big time. Her time is coming along with all the MSM to answer for their treasons. I hope JAG makes her apologize for all of her lies!

  2. The liberal left keeps saying these videos of Biden are not what we are seeing, trying to convince us that our eyes are not telling us the real facts and truth. We are not really seeing it as it appears. The videos are not edited, this lying fool is being helped every single moment he is out in public. Some people have said Biden is also not all there inside of the White House or any inside places. So they want us to think he is positively fine and we are just imagining he’s not. Interviews are not fake, Biden can’t get a sentence out without stumbling over his words. Right now he’s at Camp David “practicing” for the debate with President Trump on Thursday. He has at least 16 staffers that are helping him with the debate. They have set up a mock debate stage to show him what he has to do. This is ridiculous, it’s ludicrous to say the least. Other leaders are shaking their heads and laughing their asses off over this jackass that is the president of our country. Obama is making the decisions, Biden is just making an appearance to make it all look official.

  3. Karine Curly Locks, Cry Baby Kinzinger and these liberal news channels are all about spreading misinformation and flat out lying about everything that is going on with Biden. The facts and the truth will always prevail, we know what the real truth is so the liberal lefties can tell all the bullshit they want, WE KNOW THE TRUTH!! Biden is a robot, a puppet and he can’t do the job of being the president without immense help and decisions from a large group of people. He isn’t capable of even small tasks, can’t put simple sentence together without stumbling over his words. He’s incompetent and lacks integrity, he’s an evil heartless dictator and this country doesn’t deserve him to be president. I hope people who voted or support him will see the truth about his lies. A great leader protects and keeps his oath of office to our country as he would protect his own family. Biden fails at being a leader of our country hands down.

  4. Jill Biden is seeing the same things that we are.
    Why is she allowing this party to do this to him?
    Enough is enough. Let the guy retire in peace.

      • Jill Biden only want the prestige of being 1st lady. She couldn’t give a rats patuty about anything else. She will do/say anything to keep that status.

  5. Cheap fakes were invented by the mainstream media! But Karine says she is historic, which in my opinion is a cheap fake.


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