She started to malfunction after Piers asked her this!!



She looks…Vegan and vaccinated.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. ~George Orwell, 1984.


  1. The Democrats should have invoked the 25th amendment on Biden long ago. They and everyone else knew Biden was not in his right mind. That is what the 25th amendment is for. But the Democrats violated the amendments – thus, the Constitution. Then what about Biden’s doctor? He kept saying Biden was fit physically and mentally. How much did that doctor get paid to lie? That falls back on Walter Reed Hospital for this violation. What happened is a bog crime.

    • Just saying, what would have happened if they did invoke the 25th amendment? That would have left us with KACKLING KAMALA as POTUS. As bad as “Numbnuts Joe” was, Kamala would have been far worse. With her in charge, our gov’t and military would be handled by “Queer Boys” like “Tampon Tim”! Think about it.

  2. mumble, stumble and try to shake hands with Mr. Invisible? com on man ! “sharp as a tack”? “still on his game” ? only works 10:00-4:00 plus a nap. Said many racist things LONG before he went senile. The demon-rats HATE women and blacks. hippo cracy on parade. The parade goers are LUNATICS

  3. Biden paraded his Vette all over the place. We need to accuse him of hawking for Chevy?. They lied for over 4 years about this hollowed out husk of a turd. A cadaver, crypt keeper mummy? Senile POS…. Falling up, falling down, falling asleep, drooling,,, what a fking JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Because he is, Hehehehe, What a Idiot. Who hires these Idiots. Thank our Lord for President Trump, Elon Musk, Marico Rubio and All Patriot Americans

  5. Dopey Joe’s doctor would never admit that Joe was senile and unfit to run a lemonade stand. If he did, he could disappear, or his death would be ruled a “suicide”. Joe himself burped, “Never f**k with a Biden”.

  6. Why doesn’t dopey Joe trade his Vette in for a battery powered car? After all, he wants us commoners to drive battery powered junk.


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