SHOCKING New FOOTAGE of Trump Rally Shooting Released | What it Reveals Will INFURIATE You


This new footage will SHOCK you… How was this possible


I was watching the hearings today and all I heard was January 6th, Project 25 and gun control from the democrats. It infuriated me and I had to stop watching.

Inside operation. Crook’s was only the Patsy


  1. So much mystery. Why don’t his parents comment more and his employers as far as how much time he spent with this visitor from DC?

    • thats’ b.s. … no one could get access so easily … and why not pull trump off the stage? it was a set up..theres way more to it… and why is the secret service director and the fbi director covering it up? why was the kid going to dc and meeting the fbi? how come he had crypto accounts in offshore worth a million? i will tell you why..the fbi or cia groomed him to do this and paid him for it… and they made a clear place for him to do it..otherwise no one would of had access with a gun so close.. its all b.s. lying coverup… even the window facing that roof had some sniper lookouts in it…dont tell me with all the people seeing and yelling ” Hey theres a guy on the roof with a gun”! and they even knew well in advance… so… its too obvious it was a preplanned attempt by the deepstate..and the fbi and the ss were in on it… why? because trump is a threat to their lying jobs… they all want him dead cuz they certainly can’t beat him any other way… HE IS the gREatest president of all time if you ask me!!!

      • I totally agree. There is no way this would be allowed! The ball was intentionally dropped! They are all involved (Dems/Corrupt SS & FBI). I wouldnt be surprised if BlackRock wasnt behind this too.

    • There is no way he carried out this assassination attempt without some assistance. With the FBI, SS, and the local law enforcement sitting right in front of him, below him, and all over that property.

      Shady business!!!!!

    • And you know this how ??.you on investigation team ?? Or just repeating the bullshit your communist Democrat masters tell you !!

  2. In total agreement with Kevin. The DemonRats will stop at nothing. They can’t win a FAIR election. Look how they elevated Camel Hairass to the level of an Icon in only days. Not too long ago they were trying to find a way to kick her to the curb. Go TRUMP 2024.

  3. The Dumacraps won’t stop , they’ll try anything and get away with it ,
    i can’t understand why they can weaponize anything ss fbi courts judges and nobody can stop them .

  4. Having found corruption in three government bureaus I can
    believe the “Secret Service” was in/on this hit. Add this to
    our other problems, like 75% of our tax revenues going to
    interest obligations from largely Democrat vote buying, and
    we hava an economic collapse coming like nothing we have
    ever seen.


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