Subway Hero Gets PUNISHED For Protecting Woman



Alvin Bragg is the one that should be in jail.

This is a disgrace. The man is a hero.


    • I Hope your right. President Trumps will need to exonerate this caring man and him free with a thank you for saving people’s lives.

  1. Bragg is a Soros bitch and the Republicans won’t do anything to stop this shit. Time to replace the rest of the RINO scumbag politicians

  2. The people who were on the subway when this incident happened said that Daniel Penny saved them from being injured or killed from the lunatic Neely. Now Daniel Penny is looking at prison for being a caring considerate man who wanted to protect the innocent people on the subway. There was a reason Daniel Penny was there at that time and it was to save those people. Everyone should be extremely grateful to have someone like him if it ever happens to them. Alvin Bragg is a disgusting slob and he will get a pay back that will knock him on his ass!

  3. Let this be a lesson for NY City good Samaritans. If you intervene to try to save other people, then YOU will be prosecuted, not the perp. YOU will be dragged through the courts and could end up in jail. Daniel Penny is a hero, not a criminal.

  4. I can’t believe this is even going to trial. This administration ONLY protects evil criminals, not good citizens. Bragg is a horrific person

  5. You can see where “liberalism” is getting us. This lunacy has to end. Democrats need to be broken at their core because their policies are dys-social and destructive. Real men will defend the weak, and uphold the law for the good of mankind, and defeat the Democrat socialist who are bent on destroying our country. I for one will not let this happen.

  6. Hero? No he’s a murderer
    No one said that they were glad he intervened
    A Hero is nothing but a sandwich – plenty of baloney where he’s going
    Say hello to Bubba

  7. Julius you’re one the liberal idiots with a big mouth until you come face to face with a scumbag and then whine about the crime being out of control! And wish a marine hero was there to save your ass!

  8. This is NYC–at it’s worst. When the great Giuliani was mayor, he let his police commissioner loose on the criminals–and cleaned up the city. But now, with liberals back in office since then, NYC has gotten all f’d up, again. It was bad, before Giuliani. And, after Bloomberg, it got bad again. Every time a liberal gets elected, NYC goes to h#ll. I am a Jersey boy, living not far away from NYC almost all of my life–and I see it firsthand. No way will I got to NYC anymore to hang out or visit–not while it’s like this! We need a conservative mayor, a conservative governor, and a conservative attorney general elected, before NYC will have real law enforcement, and end the current decline of NYC. DEI, ESG and social justice are useless, worthless liberal policies. Instead, liberals should focus on effective law enforcement, competence in office, and free market enterprise, with lower taxes, and less government agencies, and more individual freedom. But they don’t. They waste their time with useless social programs and policies, instead. And so we have a great hero like Daniel Penny being prosecuted, instead of the justice system cleaning up the scum of the streets of NYC–and there is PLENTY of it there, all right! Too bad NYC doesn’t have the same Stand Your Ground laws and policies that Florida has–Daniel could have shot that criminal lunatic dead on the spot and gotten away with it–without any question.


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