Terrified Migrants Flee NYC… as 25 Shelters Close



Invasion shelters. Not asylum.

End sanctuary cities everywhere until they solve homeless problems with our citizens first


  1. WHAT???? Somebody in NYC had the nerve to grow a set of balls and do something to get rid of them? WOW… They are breaking the law, sucking America dry and we have Allowed it. We need some C4, and use it to remind them that they need to get moving. Criminals or NOT, they are bleeding our institutions from hospitals to schools to hotels, to jails, dry and WE ARE PAYING for it. Who cares if they are gang members? GET their asses out of here. Make them walk if they have to. Herd them south and get them ALL the hell out of here.

  2. Quit calling these people migrants. They are illegal vermin hell bent on making America like the failed socialist countries they came from.

  3. Good. Get rid of the illegal freeloaders. We the People don’t want them here. I don’t feel sorry for them at all. They knew this could happen when they entered our country illegally. Adios and good riddance.

  4. After welcoming the illegal aliens with open arms, idiot NY City mayor Adams is suddenly growing a pair of balls and he wants them gone. Do you think Trump’s win may have had something to do with it? Now we’ll see what cuckoo Kathy Hochul does. Will she protect the illegals?

  5. Hey I want the city to pay my rent buy me food of my liking only. But noooooo I am a American citizen so I go to work instead or die on the streets!!! Get the people who want them to stay put them up and pay there way. ILLEGAL means against the law get it!!!!!!

  6. The illegal freeloaders are getting benefits that our own citizens cannot get. If I traveled to NY City, would I get a free hotel room, free food and a prepaid debit card to buy whatever I want? No way. Ain’t gonna happen.


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