The GREAT Electric Car Scam just got EXPOSED by Ford | Redacted News



Simple solution: Vote the Biden administration out.

Ford almost went bankrupt building electric cars,had to get a government loan to stay afloat. Thank you Democrats !


  1. Battery powered cars are a scam. They won’t solve any of our problems. They’ll put more people out of work. Poor folks won’t be able to afford them. Besides, our electric grid doesn’t have the capacity to recharge all these batteries. You can fill your gas tank in 5 minutes. Whereas, it takes hours to recharge a battery. Battery powered cars go dead in cold weather, as they found out in Chicago’s winter. A new battery for a battery powered car will cost $25 grand. When the battery craps out, you’ll junk the car and buy a new one. Battery powered cars are the ultimate “throwaway” cars.

    • …and what are the discarded batteries doing to our environment? The left doesn’t give a sh*t about the environment. This is about control and taking out the big oil companies that they can’t control. Talk about disinformation! We need to get every last Dem out of office before they destroy us all.

    • Good idea, get rid of two birds with one stone. Don’t vote for communist, Democratisch Marxists, or purchase this electric unicorn that won’t fly. But Bribem stole $Billions to get 9 EV power stations running. 5 out of 9 are working. But where’s the money? Who did you loan it to, and how are you going to steal it? Give us back our money, O’Kenyan and Harris! We want you frauds out of our Oval Office!

  2. The big secret no one talks about is that mechanical and consumer issues aside, EV’s are not as efficient as gasoline cars. Most electric plants still burn hydrocarbon fuels to make the electricity that goes into EV’s. They burn fuels that are not as clean as gasoline and although they they are supposed to be scrubbing the emissions from the generating plants, that process isn’t as pure as they claim. The bottom line for EV’s is it gives the government complete control of your energy use and travel habits. They can shut you down at will.

  3. I don’t care if it becomes mandatory I refuse to buy an electric vehicle. If it does become mandatory the new administration better buy it for me if they want me to have one!

    • They won’t give a sh*t about you having a vehicle. They just don’t want you to have a gas-powered one. Don’t count on the govt buying you an electric vehicle.

  4. The only thing you should buy that is electric is the bicycles, so when the battery craps out you can pedal home instead of calling a gas- or diesel-powered tow truck!

  5. Everything about electric vehicles came out of the ground in the form of hydrocarbon or a mineral. The ignorant tree huggers don’t realize the homes they live in are built from trees they hug! There is no spare tire in the EV cars, because there is no place to put them because of so many batteries. You have to call a wrecker to haul the EV to get 4 tires instead of just one. Because of being all wheel drive each tire has to be the same size in circumference! Each tire is propelled by its own motor. They do not like being submerged in flood water. So why in the hell would I want a damn EV?


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