They arrested this woman because her son did WHAT??? | Redacted w Natali Morris



Welcome to fascism in America.

That sheriff should be removed from office.


  1. I grew up in Chicago. My mom would send me to grocery store when I was 7 to get orange juice, bread, milk. I walked to school when in kindergarten with my friends. I rode the CTA bus alone when I was 10. Went trick or treating with my younger brothers. Adults had their world we had ours. I grew up and joined the Army. Traveled quite a bit as an adult. Georgia – mind your own business and the Mrs. Kravitz, who called cops on the mom. (Bewitched nosey neighbor.)This case needs to go to court or the lazy state legislators need to get on the ball and protect parents oh and BTW pay mom back her $500. Biden’s America.

  2. Another step towards 1984’s Big Brother where the state controls everything. If this is allowed to come to pass, it’s one step away from mandatory microchipping of children. Welcome to the New World Order.

  3. I grew up in the 40s & 50s in the UP of MI I camped, roamed with the neighborhood boys for 5 miles into the Bush walked a mile to school and the Beach and I’m still kicken at 85! State of Georgia needs to be told to GO TO HELL !

  4. This is a society gone mad. I walked to school when I was a kid. Back then, no one would even dream of arresting my parents for it.

  5. I used to go to the grocery store with my brother when I was 3 and he was 7
    He was too shy to ask the grocer for what my mother wanted so I asked for the items

  6. Alex, I’m afraid you are correct. We are one step away from microchipping children. After that, adults will be microchipped. Then Big Brother can follow our every move.

  7. Are all the parents in inner cities, urban areas, and other small towns arrested when their underaged children are out committing crimes, victimizing others, committing petty thefts, or more serious crimes, etc.? Where are all of those stories? Even mainstream media rarely cover that type of story. Please, small-town Georgia, get rid of your common senseless leadership because these people are anti-leaders. My children DID NOT have a cell phone until they turned 18 and had a job. I would also fight this type of tyranny!


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