This old clip of Kamala just came back to HAUNT HER!!!



She’s literally being propped up worse than Joe Biden was by the media

She is the worst. She has done nothing. Wake up people.


  1. Correct. She’s an airhead who screwed her way to the top. Pray that she never becomes president. However, some idiots will vote for her because she’s a woman, she’s supposedly black, and she’s a Democrap. That’s all that matters to the idiots.

    • And some idiots will spread gossip and lies about her because she is a woman – and to make it worse, she’s an intelligent, hard-working, accomplished woman.. and she is of Indian (the country, not the Native American) and black heritage. Don’t be the idiot.

      • Who are you speaking of here? This article is regarding Kamela Harris and this description does not in the least describe her Except maybe woman and half East Indian the other half is Jamaican NOT BLACK. Even most black people will tell you this. I don’t care what she is. IT only interests me that she is not able to do the job of PRESIDENT of our country. She has done zilch in the years she has been in office. And I know she can’t help it but I don’t think I could bear to have that cackle of hers ringing in the air for 4 years….She is a ditz. Sorry!

  2. Millions will vote for her because she is a black female Democrat. The MSM will cover and lie for her just like they did for Biden. With the Democrat expertise in stealing elections, she has a good chance. Her lies are outrageous, but repeated by MSM and believed by the low intellect voter base. Voters never seem to learn anything. It would be easy to look at every city that the Democrats control to see their real governing skills – but that will never happen. Even those destroyed cities continue to vote Democrat.

  3. “Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!” Hillary,
    She called them stupid and they STILL VOTED FOR HER!!! Proves how stupid the average democrat voter really is !!
    A person with intelligence would kick her and the party to the road side!!

  4. hmmm yes stupid! with that whole woman thing haha….and what about equal rights? didnt shamal want those ??? seems like some women want equal rights for most things but not for who is running for president? of anything? play the woman card? makes no sense to me at all


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