This photo will RUIN Kamala Harris forever!!



I cannot afford another four years of Bidenomics under Harris. I am definitely voting for Trump in November. Who is with me?

I’m sick of the left.


  1. When Brown dropped her, he told her she was “dangerous”. Hmmm, I wonder what he was referring to? She is an out and out Communist and wants to finish what the socialist Democrats have started.

    • true answer. she destroyed San Francisco, and stupid people who never listen to news and try to see and hear the facts are going to make her our President? She wants to offer drivers license and social security to illegals and let gender surgeries happen in USA. She never went to border to see how illegals are bringing drugs to USA and when asked how come you never went to our southern border? she answered she hasn’t been to EUROPE either. Could you believe her answer???????

  2. She wants the rest of us to abandon our gas home appliances, but there is a photo of her in her kitchen and there’s a gas stove in the background. Is that hypocrisy or not?

  3. Willie Brown was a filthy politician. If you or a company wanted something, you paid for it. Willie handed $440,000/year to Comma-La in exchange for her services. Nothing ever came out of Willie’s own pocket. The Taxpayers paid. The lobbyists paid. When Comma-La needed a job as a DA, Willie asked his friend Terry Hallinan for a favor and Terry hired her, regardless of how worthless she was. Filth. Bribery. Corruption. Why wonder how we got into this mess when no one has objected to the filthy, bribery and corruption.

  4. OPK so she had an affair long ago, alot of people in Washigton have just look at the Kennedys and FDR just to name a few. What did Donald do, well how about rape and you still want him? He is the devil.

    • Ray Barger , You are the devil to vote for Camala Harris. Embarrassing and sad to hear that you are not aware of facts about Socialist Camala and you are comparing it to Trump.

  5. Kamala is the devil incarnate. She is a slut who slept herself up to the top. She never did anything as vice president, what do these stupid women think she will do as president. Even an idiot can tell she is a fake and a communist. Delete her asap. God help us rid this world of such an evil and sarcastic creature who is worthless.


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