Tim Walz accidently let the truth slip lol… He’s so done.



I hate this administration with a passion. They’re quite simply a group of absolutely horrible people. FJB. FKH. FTT. TRUMP2024

His whole family voting for trump.


  1. Tim Walz is most likely the worst choice cackling Kammy could have made for her VP. He’s as popular as strychnine. His own family can’t stand him, and that’s saying something.

  2. When your own family doesn’t support you when you run for office that says alot !! When they support Trump over tampon tim intelligent people take notice!
    Tampon tim is an avowed communist with strong ties to CCP!
    A TRUE AMERICAN could NEVER support a communist!

  3. Same old story with these lying liberals. They blame others for what they are responsible for. If they could not lie, no one would vote for them. Along with over 90% of the lying media, that covers up and lies for them. People have to do some research on these criminals that are trying to control us at every turn. People have to find some common sense to do so. Problem is that too many people have been dumbed down for too long to think for themselves. GOD help America!!!!!!

  4. Your critique of Walz comments is false and utter bullshit.

    Trump has said he wont raise SS age but he has no plan to make the program solvent and further tax cuts projecting more revenue from growth like those promised but not realized from the 2017 tax cuts, only more record corporate profits, will force him to change retirement age or cut benefits in SS. As most actual experts have said.


  5. Your critique of Walz comments is demonstrably false and utter bullshit.

    Trump has been historically anti union anti worker and said repeatedly since before he was president that US workers get paid too much.

    He restricted overtime pay, opposed wage increases, and gutted health and safety protections for workers:

    * Trump changed the rules about who qualifies for overtime pay, making more than 8 million workers ineligible and costing them over $1 billion per year in lost wages.


  6. Trump is no friend to working Americans or Unions. Trump’s Secretary of Labor, Eugene Scalia, was an anti-worker, union-busting corporate lawyer. After his comments to Musk about anti union inclinations there is no reason to think next time would be any different. Trump lies, so did you. Walz, while hyperbolic in his rhetoric, did not lie. The mish mash conflating border security with child labor laws is nonsensical. If reelected will Trump take care of the homeless aliens you show? No he intends to incarcerate them for deportation.

  7. marshall is a Marxist TROLL! Tampon Tim, the LYING COWARD isn’t fit to shine the shoes of any veteran. His mommy must have told him not to go with his men and he listened to her! Why is he coddling up to the Commie Chinese, 30 times in 30 odd years for visits? How much was he paid? He’s the biggest LIAR and COWARD ever to run for office! His own state despises him and now he has a subpoena to appear before Congress! Evil, evil pairing of Heels Up and Tampon Tim!

    • And What are your qualifications to evaluate Walz mil service? You probably dont know PME from PMS. Have you ever outprocessed from the DoD? Do you even know how it works?

    • A subpoena? From this Congress? The most unproductive bunch of Republicans since reconstruction, is meaningless political theatre.

  8. His “own state” reelected him to a 2nd term by 9pts over His GOP opponent. So they obviously dont “despise” him too much!


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